Arvo lads.

'Australia is not the name of this continent': New calls to change the country's name is made just days after the Queen's death

Magpies fans left fuming as airfares SKYROCKET ahead of the club's prelim in Sydney next week…but the president says he will 'drive them up myself if I have to'

Attached: Screenshot 2022-07-29 at 14-33-28 bef1330b93dd73b148c5d9c0c0bf90c0 (WEBP Image 1280 × 722 pixels).png (1280x722, 1.07M)

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Change it to what? Some abo name?

Obviously. Something fucking stupid I'm sure

How much are we willing to wager the stabber is an islander or coconut?
It's just those Blockade Australia communists trying to control another thing of our lives. People should not be allowed to publicly act or promote communism/socialism, they should be shot on site.

Why bother shooting them, just use a spade

Yeah pretty much, good you put the stupid cunt in her place, they're all scum.

If they tried that the hundred different FlubbaWubbaOogaBooga tribes would beat each other up over which bullshit-word to use.
>Just call it TerraNullius
>tell the fakeboong cunts to go fuck themselves

You can't call them spades anymore you racist fuck.

Kek, or they'll just decide the words now mean other things
Pretty fucking easy to translate the word for crow, it's not like any of the early settles could have gotten that confused for singing and dancing.

Please remember to ignore the glowies. And don't feed the glowie trolls.

Attached: unregistered-glowieeee.png (753x1719, 322.2K)

I reckon we should go back to be being called new holland.

Attached: triple J are criminals.jpg (800x1328, 717.74K)

>no gf
>no job
>no hobbies
>no future
I'm completely demoralised. I want to end it. What do?

Attached: ME AT PRESENT.jpg (655x509, 81.58K)

Can't wait for my new job with the overtime. Will go to Philippines and buy a clone of link rel

Let's wish will all our hearts that every aus/pol/ apu poster kills themselves.

>get gf
>get job
>get hobbies
>plan for future
pick one and go from there

>'Australia is not the name of this continent': New calls to change the country's name is made just days after the Queen's death
Elbow will surely sign up to this.

move to kazakhstan and become my boyslut

Don't count your chickens until they hatch Bradley.

Buy xrp

Finally do it then cunt instead of shitting up every thread

Based propaganda creator.
hear, hear!
I am sure Bradley will find a way to fuck this up kek.

I hope niggers kill your mothers

I hope you get cancer