Wha happened to the right?

what happened to the Right's morale? we had it all! we had the hype, the leader, the congress, the senate, our own media (alternative)...

how did we lose?

Attached: steve_.jpg (1278x703, 78.15K)

YouTube abused many of the right wing commentators.
>Yet, they still have to censor the thumbs down button.

a) who's the right
b) who's we

we didn't. losers censor their betters since they cannot best them. they are pathetic. i can smell their foul weakness


I don't participate in the "right vs left" con game.

Left is low resolution, softly lit and with beard. Right is higher resolution, harsh light, shaved and 6 years older.

Morning in Israel already?

The left is literally hysterical with fear right now. The right has never been in a better position

The regime carried out a sustained campaign of repression and persecution after Charlottesville, and the right responded by turning on itself

The goddamn elites pulled every dirty trick in the book to quash any and all centrist and right-wing populist movements. If we ever pull our heads out of our ass and fight back, we'll have to come at them even dirtier.

Attached: Wink.png (334x346, 127.21K)


His smile and optimism, gone.

Im pretty sure that Democrats cheated in 2020

>Charlottesville fiasco
>govt crackdown on dissent
>mass deplatforming
>trump turned out to be a fraud

>1 post by this ID
>fellow right wingers

Because Right is filled with all speak no Action while left is opposite of that.

Niggers here will only be trusting the plan for someone to come and save them. They don't want to do anything to fight back Left trannies. Right wing I's unironically over. Left win literally everything now with 0 Pushback.

Doesn't help. Niggers keep calling everyone as a glowie for trying to fightback

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)


Who's "we", rabbi?

Molyneaux loved hearing his own voice, nothing more. Arguing about the philosophy of what the left was doing is not "leading" anything. "Not an argument" would make me tune out every time. Molyneaux is the kind of guy who watches his house burn down, but rather than douse the flames, he moralizes about the fire's ability to create new opportunities. Fuck him.

and fuck you chaim.

He got the job didn't he


we were dumb enough to think we only needed to win the people. It doesn't work that way, its not really a democracy.

Trump was a psyop. Looking back Jared Kushner was probably a red flag
