I want to learn about cloning and clones. Redpill me on cloning and clones. Did they really clone a sheep? how would we even know? all sheep look exactly the fucking same anyway. They're like the asians of farm animals. Anyway, fuck sheep (not literally!) what about people? is it possible to clone human beings? is it ethical to do? have they done it already? what if a rich and powerful supervillain decided to hunt and capture beautiful white women and clone a bunch of them? would that be the problem with that?

this is political Any Forums! go fuck yourself! I've been banned so many times for 'off topic' stuff which is so fucking annoying. I understand wanting to keep it mostly political, but I hate being banned for 3 fucking days just because I made a thread about hot jew tits, that IS political! Fuck you!

Anyway, I do really want to know about cloning, is it actually possible to do, and has it actually happened already? that is political in the sense that you could start to make copies of people. If it was indeed possible then we could potentially create a race of superhuman, how is that not political?

imagine finding all of the most beautiful women and intelligent females and making thousands of clones of them. We could potentially take the human race hundreds of years forward in a single generation.

Post your thoughts about clones and cloning.

Attached: clone.jpg (184x274, 13.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wasn't John Podesta connected to cloning in some way?

Attached: bronto_9.jpg (1671x1080, 401.88K)


it would not surprise me at all if the elites were involved in cloning. That is one reason I made this thread. I imagine that they might have tried to make clones either of themselves to harvest their own organs if they need them, or cloning beautiful women to use as sex toys. I just think there is no way the elites aren't experimenting with cloning things.

imagine 1000 of her
tell me that would be a bad thing
come at me bro!
we need to save the white race
then why not take all of the most beautiful white women and make hundreds of copies of each of them?

just look at images of leta go brandon. hes defo a clone...

I forgot to post the image
shut up!
I'm drunk

Attached: CLONE1.jpg (736x1177, 88.49K)

I've heard the Biden clone theories, and I can't say it isn't true, but I'm not sure about that, but I am 90% some of the White House videos of Biden given speeches are deep fakes.

Imagine 10,000 clones of Angelina Jolie
the world would be a much better place after that
the solution to white genocide is simple
1. find all of the elite globalists and take all of their money and throw them in prison
2. find all of the trouble making non whites and send them back to their ancestral homelands to The Beatles song Get Back
3. Take all of the most beautiful white women and make thousands of clones of each of them
every white man could be banging a supermodel
Cloning is the way forward
You know it people
Make it happen!!!!

Attached: angelina-jolie---LP.jpg (440x592, 40.07K)

In both picrel and sexmission, characters take a ladder to ascend to the real world.
In The Island, he's clued in on the state of the outside world by a moth because Moths seek light.

Attached: they_live_joe_rogan_1.jpg (923x700, 225.56K)

Come on people!
I know this could be a good thread
but Any Forums can be kind of weird like that
complete bullshit like Ukraine general ends up getting hundreds of posts
but interesting threads about cloning supermodels don't get any hits
sort it out!
I'm going to make garlic bread
when I come back I expect more hits
Just imagine being able to make thousands of clones of women with ridiculously big tits
Just think about it
Supply and demand
it's how everything works
Imagine that we could take a thousand of the most beautiful women with enormous breasts and create thousands of copies
we could make an entire race of gorgeous women with big juicy tits
even your average Joe having children with them would still end up making good looking children
we really could solve the problems of white genocide if we could perfect cloning
there are a lot of sell out whites who are fucking up
with good clones we could say fuck em
and just bang the clones instead
Make it happen!!!

Attached: BOOBs.jpg (1080x1080, 83.97K)

shameless self bump
I know this thread deserves more

I just checked an a generic Ukraine thread has 150 posts WTF! Russia vs Ukraine i boring at this point

I'm giving you gold about making an army of superhot clone women and I'm getting nothing

Fuck You!

post here


board has been 50% shills and bots for years now.
Ukraine is banned on the other board, but almost nobody posts there.

I would be surprised if they didn't already all secretly have clone labs to grow organs for themselves should they ever need them

Last self bump I'm going to do, but do we really need mot women?
Imagine if we could figure out a way to perfect human cloning
then we could take a few thousand of the most beautiful females and then make a thousand copies each making a total of millions of gorgeous women
then we jut make sure to keep track of lineage so there is no inbreeding
but we could take humanity into the future at warp speed
Imagine if we ruthlessly killed off all violent criminals and unattractive females
and at the same time added 1 million making hot women into the population every year
we could create a race of superhumans in a single generation
the average breast size could be a G cup!
make it happen
I know I'm a crazy psycho
a lot of my ideas are dumb
but this is fucking brilliant
make it happen

That said, maybe it'd be cheaper to just grab a trafficked mexican and harvest their organs

Fake and gay my dude

I just watched that movie quite recently
Scarlet Johanson was smoking hot in that
that is what I mean
imagine if we could make thousands of copies of all of the best looking women

I know you are but what am I?

Sorry, OP, I'm a little too tired to comment on this one meaningfully. Just letting you know that as OP you cannot bump your own threads, so here is a bump for you. Your thread is a tiny bit shitty, but Any Forums is so fucking garbage these days that this is honestly "good" compared to the same regurgitated trash and demoralization propaganda day in and day out.

Epstein was into cloning, so they say

I'm drunk
so I acknowledge that this is not exactly an A+ thread
I just thought about it
not even sure why now
and thought it might be interesting enough to make a thread
I do wonder if cloning is actually possible and if the elites have done it
but I'm also quite sleepy
so I'm going to make a sandwich and then pass out
thanks for the bump
you are a gentleman and a scholar