What type do "they" fit in?

All infj have trauma

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Istj aspie reporting. I fit in nowhere but I work in field tech work so I don't have to.

I don't see brap huffer anywhere. confused.

Crybaby reporting in

Attached: infp.png (384x777, 33.53K)

They're sensor dominants(NPCs) that desperately want to believe they're not and filled their own heads with so many stupendous lies to try and overcompensate. I am dead serious

what does this mean? im a little drunk so i answered more honestly than usual

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That's INTJ

and I assume you meant jews by they, and we're trying to associate them with infj. No. Then they'd be intuit doms and they're not. They wouldn't know what intuition is if it bit them on the ass.


Kek they are like horoscope descriptions.

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I am the schizophrenic

Hurrr trying to fit in with a false consensus you saw caused by shills?
Typical namefaggotry

This. They're not intuitive at all.

can't you see the picture? It means you're frodo.

2015: ESFP
2020: INFJ

What's wrong with me?
2022: INTJ

If you're not in the top 4 it means you're mentally retarded. That's literally what this test is.

yeah i largely agree with this, its horoscope for "intellectuals". pretty much ALL of these traits have been experienced by most people at one time or another. you might be one thing today, and you feel different tomorrow and get a different result.

turns out people aren't easy to figure out

Nothing. When, very young, naive. When a bit older but still young, bluepilled. You judged by what the world told you(ESFP). Then you became more trusting of your own abilities while still being caring(INFJ). You're growing and learning as you age and adjusting your perspective as you learn. That's healthy to do. It's all the faggot retards of every background that make their perspective their identity that are dragging humanity down. You're evidently not one of them. You perhaps just feel like something is wrong with you when it's really the majority that's all messed up.

you grew up

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you're evolving. keep going and you'll be intp masterrace

intj/intp here. i have been saying for ages that the way society is structured would collapse. people hate listening to me because i call them out of their shit and cognitive dissonance makes them not want to see it.

the world could be so much better than it is. it's actually remarkable how badly managed all of it is. quite frankly, it's too easy to assassinate political opponents in this simulation.

mommy and daddy please stop fighting

Now read about it in-depth and stop trusting your perception of the consensus here. But I kind of doubt you will.
Because I know that part of why someof you attack this is because you don't like the result it gave you and how you feel about it. But instead of realizing that's something to do with you you would change, you blame the thing itself.
>dispassionately pens insightful treatises that alters centuries of thought
Hearty Keks.

This is true, any intuitive can be a good person, but sensors are completely unreachable and seemingly incapable of understanding morality to any degree. They do what they see the other creatures doing.

You're incapable of drawing inferences from trends. That's your problem, not ours.