Any Forums was wrong again, where are the food shortages?

>it's may 2022
>September 11th 2022
>0 food shortages
>shelves look fuller then ever before
Im starting to question if im in a simulation

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you should have stocked up. If you haven't got your shit together these past few years, with lockdowns and other bullshit, idk what to tell you

Attached: download (19).png (512x512, 363.25K)

The fun begins in winter. I've never seen anyone on here claim that problems would begin in the summer.

literally everyone was saying it would happen by the end of summer. Nothing is going to happen in America, I cant say the same for you eurofags.

>Simulation to run out of RAM in two more weeks!
>Stockpile pointers and wait for the great core dump!
>The crash is inminent!

Attached: itshopenin.jpg (256x256, 14.14K)

Germany is fucked. 3% of our energy is Russian and most of our food is home grown. Higher prices on the international markets are a bitch, but aside from that, we're fine.

>Railroad unions poised to strike on 15th, lowering fuel, harvest, and other distribution heavily.
I surely hope you're prepared user.

this year we are eating last years food. next year we will be eating this years food. you uneducated city nigger.

this will age horribly in two weeks
>it will happen when the weather cools
put me in the screencap

Any Forums is never right, in the same way Reddit nor Twitter are right, extremists are never right

its an effort to cause panic buying aka manufactured crisis. But no one gives a fuck anymore and so its not happening.

Dude food prices have doubled. Does your mom buy all your tendies?

Nigger they are feeding children crickets, what will it take for you to catch on?

Look at the price tags retard.
>How do I know you live with your parents?

Idk about you but my local area makes their own food, gas, and electricity, and none of those industries are having trouble right now.
There's a bit of a dip in the water supply but winter is coming.

Does anyone want to help with this? Work on the RSA challenge.

Mills and processors are still running on last year's harvests. It's going to get real bad within the next 2-3 months as they run out of stored grain and there isn't enough coming in to satisfy demand in many places.

>Look at the price tags retard.
What about them? These still arent doomsday prices.

US produces BILLIONS worth of extra food, we dont even fucking eat. We are fine. God damn you faggots are annoying.

>Any Forums was wrong again
>starts posting completely retarded fictional garbage
>meanwhile more people starved to death this year than the previous 3 combined
kek seethe harder muttoid tranny

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I'm not talking about the US. Europe, Africa, the ME, etc. They're quite fucked.

Stop hanging out in schizo threads. The shortages will be with individual items but as a whole there will always be food available. Your money is going to continue to devalue though so if you stack food now you will save money long term.

Europe will be fine with shipments from the US. Africa and ME can starve for all i care, nothing there is relevant.