Are white people going to wake up and realize how much other races hate them?

Are white people going to wake up and realize how much other races hate them?

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who cares

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You are making stuff up to spread hate

I hate whites

There is still a grudge from colonization. Eventually it will go away and they'll feel indifferent towards you

The main problem is white liberals hate whites as much as minorities do, so half of our dwindling ranks consist of traitors.






give up
all within 10 seconds. kill yourselves

6.5/10 is hardly HATE. Dipshit.
Do you think the fact that many are slightly "cooler" toward white people has anything to do with all the evil sneering racist shitheads that give them hell for anything and everything?

No? You're just going to keep on being a sneering racist shithead? Ok then.

trying hard to be cool, off to plebbit with you

This is a bot

Nope. It’s getting worse, not better

actually most other races actually dont hate whites IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES with the exception of south africa

but in jew-run countries (aka white countries) they stoke anti-white hatred

Its getting better. For example, Mexicans in the US aren't feeling any hatred towards whites.

People hate Anglos, because they are globohomo fukwits who thought quick rich schemes like slavery was a good thing.

ya most of the genuine anti white hate is anglo hate

People generally don't hate ordinary europeans. They didn't even do the colonization thing to a particularly high degree that too was brtain.

Funny how it all comes together.

You're racist against whites. We simply want to be left alone and free to live our lives our way instead of being forced into a multicultural experiment that will inevitably fail and devolve into racial tribalist conflict

No, niggers and shitskins will just keep hating whites until niggers and shitskins think they have enough numbers to take total control, but they will fail because they are niggers and shitskins

hatred of white people is learned through (((education))) hatred of brown people is learned through real life experience and contact

Lmao. Spics hate whites more than they hate niggers. They have racial inferiority issues from being indo rape babies of Spaniards and are extremely envious of whites.

White leftists would unironically rather have their entire families eradicated in brutal fashion than have anyone think they're racist. Prove me wrong white leftists. Prove me wrong.

1) I am white (and no not Jewish either idiot)
2) You and the idiot racist moron brigade are a minority even among white people. MOST white people are happy with multiculturalism--picrel. You just ruin it for everyone by being a stupid hateful idiot who makes everything worse.
3) .............................USA has been multicultural from DAY ONE. You just hate black people.

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Imagine not being white...shudder

Still don't care about what niggers think

I have been told by all my authority figures that white people are evil. My father said white people are only good to steal from and white girls are only there for fucking. He said white guys will pay you to fuck their wives for them. My auntie showed me how white people used to kill and hunt black people for sport and keep their dicks in jars. Growing up in school all my friends told me if they ever saw me hanging out with a white boy they would beat my ass. One of them said its okay to rape white girls because of slavery. My college teacher told me white people will be extinct soon and that will end racism forever.

I don't hate white people I never did. But society told me to hate them. I woke up but other people wont

Leftists know that the only ones who want to destroy families (and civilization and democracy and the environment/planet) are right wingers. Read a book or a newspaper instead of just nonstop facebook/pol memes.

Bullshit. They get to do and say what they want and anyone who criticizes them gets dealt with immediately. And they still hate white people, despite white people willingly allowing themselves to be ethnically replaced literally everywhere. They will always hate white people until the last one dies.

its just >muh nepotism

Idk, maybe they'll change their mind when they become wealthier.

Of course they do. Self-hating whites and Jews are the reason whites are generally too scared to fght back.

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Ah, yes. The most objective measure of multiculturalism: survey data.
Forget that muslims are overrepresented in rapes and terrorist attacks. Forget the fact that blacks and hispanics perform economically worse than whites and asians. Forge tthe fact that mutliracial children are more susceptible to mental illness.
Thanks, jew!

>t. gets his news from Occupy Democrats and John Oliver
Right wingers just wanted to be left alone. Yet you faggots insist I drag my kids to a drag show so a man in panties can twerk in their face so he won't grow up to be a nazi.

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Even if you are supposedly white, you are still an example of a self hating traitor with mental issues who works actively to undermine his own people in favor of appeasing groups that are against him

You can join any video game lobby in 2022 and instantly hear people gloating about how white people are dying off.

Provides no but you are argument, provides no context how this conclusion come to be, insults intelligence, leaves
Is this the Jew chink farming yous are a retarded liberal, I cannot tell the difference anymore.