Thousands of Israelis Were Absent from the WTC on 9/11?

>Thousands of Israelis Were Absent from the WTC on 9/11?

You racist antisemites will stop at nothing to spread lies about the Jews.

1000s of Jews were NOT absent on 9/11. How does if feel to have your lies exposed?

Nazism will always remain in the past. Pathetic.

Attached: Screenshot_20220911_133014.jpg (1080x1165, 229.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: ZimTrading.png (635x633, 350.54K)

Attached: 9-11Odigo.png (1115x790, 293.8K)

What about the dancing Israeliā€™s?

They were just there to document the event goy...

Attached: DancingIsraelis.png (480x266, 316.75K)

Doesn't say they were Jews. Just that they messaged. Where's your 4000 absentees?

More South Koreans died in the WTC than Israelis. This is a fact that can be established by looking at the list of people who died and their short biographies. Relatively speaking, South Koreans are under represented in the financial district. Jews/Israelis are over represented. How and why did this come about? (((They))) we all in on it.

cool it with the anti-semitism

Attached: Snopes-Rosenberg.jpg (662x843, 122.81K)

Odigo's HQ is in Herzliyya which just happens to be where Mossad's HQ is located. The IM was in Hebrew. It absolutely screams of foreknowledge of what happened on 9/11.

Attached: odigo.jpg (150x133, 5.42K)

Red Herring. This is about alleged 9/11 absentees. Not BLM.

Is this true?

Yeah there's a lot of software and websites made or owned by Jewish people. By your logic, you are Jewish for using YouTube, Facebook, or Any Forums.

go back to pleddit

If it was, there would be source.

Still no 4000

My favorite YouTube fedora tipper Charlie Giulani make a 4 hour series listing the celebrities and influential people that canceled their flights on the planes that got hijacked.

Shill moment
shut your whore mouth you dumb fucking slut or I will fly an airplane down your throat.
Mandatory watch for the anons itt:

Zim Trading broke an existing 10 year lease with the WTC and moved out a week before 9/11. The decision was apparently made in April 2001. Ehud Barak had been removed as Prime Minister in March 2001 and then moved to NYC and was there on 9/11.



Still no 4000 Jews? Just a conspiracy film?

>dude you have to believe my israeli-connections-to-911 site!

That the joke you idiot. The 'fact-checkers' make the false claim "4000 jews warned of attack." In reality it was only 3999, so they legally get to display the claim as false every time. Whatever the real number is - I guess it doesn't matter at this point because the narrative is already in motion.

Attached: 1662333303555766.jpg (500x269, 60.61K)

It's your duty to read Geletins: B-Thing.
It shows explosive fuse chargers packed on several floors of the towers for an "art project" and goyim falling out the windows to "10,000 feet of bliss".
The blurb on the back also says the "art project" was highly illegal. Wonder why...

>your website has ONLY things related to 911, so you HAVE to post another source!

>Israelis warned via Odigo to call in to WTC that day
>have a shill claim the number was 4000
>debunk well-poisoning claim