Mini demons are on our skin

Attached: skin mite.jpg (2048x1152, 326.32K)

is that dead skin?
animals are gross

Zoom out.

Attached: 1640588902829.jpg (798x861, 900.63K)

Yep, that's a demon alright.

They are literally harmless and help keep your skin clean

wait until you find out how many things are crawling around your eyelashes

>They are literally harmless and help keep your skin clean
also hardened, to the point of being immortal

humans are the demon on earth skin

Checked and confirmed that parasites give hard and immortal bodies

>unclogs your pores
Thanks, skin mite

Eh.. let them. They're eating my shedding skin cells.
Like the elephant with all those birds on their backs.. they don't care because they're being vacuumed.


I am a multi dimensional being.

>Checked and confirmed that parasites give hard and immortal bodies
wtf do you mean bro, are you being an antise-mite

mini FRENS you mean

Human faces are not perfectly adapted to being bare and we overproduce sebum which is designed to coat hair. Face mites have a tiny genome that is rapidly shrinking. Given time they will eventually become an permanently established pore-cleaning human symbiont. Thanks to them the next step in human evolution will likely involve us having less greasy pores that are less prone to clogging and infection.

>microscopic albanians trying to steal my organs


Just wait until you find out there are gypsies in your stomach stealing the lining.

Wait until you see what's going on inside your gut...

Most people just scream when that happens to them
Or maybe the abdominal rupture has something to do with that

dey ar iven insaid aur eies, end if u ar uondering wai ai am wraiting dis wei is bicaus of niggers


Why did God do this?

i took the horse paste, and it controlsthese fuckers. they pretty much ruin my life, and the doctor didn't give one shit.
also look into TARSUS Pharmaceuticals, they are developing a product to kill these bitches altogether.

Attached: th.jpg (188x132, 5.19K)

numbers are false memories invented by a bored mind

>autistic yet insightful
Classic Japan.