Literal welfare recipients living off the British tax payers

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You will never afford the life and luxury of the elite.
You were born to slave and slave in the harsh reality of paycheck after paycheck, with all taken from you in exchange for your survival, without the valid attempt of even saving any sort of wealth possible. For taxation is theft.

based Royal NEET

Yeah thats what a king is. Who do you think they pay taxes to? HIS majesty's government.

Better than living of chink money

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Why do these people make niggers and non whites seethe and melt down with utter foaming rage?

Based obviously

everything i aspire to be

You mean parliament? Ya they've been a tax waste for a long time now...

>Consisting of around 106,000 hectares (263,000 acres) across the UK, they also include 26,900 hectares (66,500 acres) of common land, principally in Wales. Rights to extract minerals covers some 115,500 hectares (285,500 acres).
I'm sure they really need the taxpayer money.

£1.29 for the year per tax payer, how much does your president cost you?

I agree with everything you said except the part where you implied it's unjust. The strong will always take from the weak, it is the rule of nature.

It’s British culture, Chang

he literally owns all his taxpayers

Farewell lizzie.

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At least our president has the power to make lives better, your modern monarchy is just a figure head with mo power collecting tax payer money from your country's tax payers. Also your monarchy died in 1066 AD when king harold died.

Because they are the definition of "white privilege".

No matter how much niggers seethe, they will never be part of the aristocracy. It's a social and political class in which membership is determined by bloodline.

Aren't you the leftoids subsidising 10 million Pakis on permanent welfare anyway? Typical leftist incongruence...

I hate the modern world so fucking much. Smart phones and social media is a mistake.

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this. niggers, from time to time, have to be reminded that the only color that truly matters is green.

No he doesn't Biden is a full blown retard.

Why are you lying?

The royal family costs each Briton the cost of a cup of coffee, and in exchange they generate an entire industry based around selling their celeb shit. They literally generate half a billion more in revenue for the state than they cost.

Only a brainlet simp for kikes and niggers would want to abolish them and have the executive replaced with some muttoid rabble rouser.