The UK has banned numerous musicians from entry due to insensitive comments in the past...

The UK has banned numerous musicians from entry due to insensitive comments in the past, we could realistically get this child murdering antifa cunt banned if we shilled hard enough

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A bit rude innit?

I don't care about some other country's royalty either way, but the amount of seething that the royal family causes for American lib right/lib left incels is hilarious.


Honestly, I hope we just start dropping ICBMs on these niggers.
It's what my last wish would have been if I was Liz.

antifacists be like: worship the queen

This racist white cunt has 0 place in the commonwealth. She is not welcome to step foot anywhere in the British realm.

>cant criticise anything

Phoebe Bridges isn't even a nigger, she's an American yuppie white woman that spews obnoxious sjw takes and makes bad music

Insulting the Queen is a hate crime.

she's right though. Your stupid Queen was a german hatemonger! Fuck her and her stupid offspring! Fuck your stupid island!
What are you so proud of? Some stupid cunt that lost your empire and replaced your people with shitskins? Wow.

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Never heard of her desu, is she even popular here?

i have a video of the queen licking my butthole, it was all wet and full of fresh shit, she licked it like a good dog and even made some cute woofer noises. after that i told her to get back into the cage and i fed her some smelly old beef jerky. she thanked me greatly.
it wasn't easy to teach her to call me master, but after i promised her that by doing so i will change my diet from beans to veggies, she accepted because i made sure that whenever i had to fart i'd be around her.

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she was a horse fucking cunt

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Just being born German is a hate crime.

british people when you do anything:
>"do you have a license for that?"

German humor is no laughing matter.

She's one of those post-Taylor Swift women who produce boring generic female angst ballads

In the Netherlands you can unironically be locked up for talking shit about King Charles.

not if you're a nigger.

I get the impression our police especially enjoys arresting niggers.

lucky you, don't expect that for long once they're there

We sometimes have black people protesting against black face / zwarte piet. And our police usually ends up arresting them.

A few years ago our police used to walk around in black face to see if they could trigger blacks to arrest them. But they stopped doing that.

Pic related, cops

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These are also cops

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You Germs sure are obsessed with shit.

oh sorry mr police officer, do i need a license for shit obsession? i'll bin the turd for our safety.

isn't that some kind of ancient garb that niggers found offensive some years ago?

You can tell from the name, white whores aren't better than niggers