Do land gains matter in war oe is it about whos army is surviving longer?

Do land gains matter in war oe is it about whos army is surviving longer?

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land loss is an indicator that your army cant hold the line any longer

>war oe is it about whos army is surviving longer?

its obviously an economic war aimed at shitting up the European Industries who rely on Russian resources, then theres the Energy War with American companies trying their last hurrah and trying to force Europe to buy overpriced LNG

here is a video from last week showing DNR troops walking through a mass grave

this video is the aftermath of everyday, everyweek fighting thats been going on up to now

now you are sitting there, these guys in the trenches who all die like cockroaches, these guys AGAIN "repelled" russians, just like they repelled them from Kiev

nobody believes you anymore, especially since these epic "victories" of the whole free LGBT world in ukraine, are followed by news about shit getting darker in europe and how we have to take showers in buckets

>now you are sitting there, these guys
now you are sitting there, saying* these guys..

>nobody believes you anymore
you dont have to believe that the russian line is faltering, it wont stop it from happening
>are followed by news about shit getting darker in europe
not really, germany is getting gas through belgium and netherlands now, and if you really reee that life is getting worse, then youre a pampered faggot who forgot that our older generation had to get through WW1 WW2 and the following economic collapses, and still made it through, because unlike you they werent complete pussies
>ow we have to take showers in buckets
Gaslets eternaly BTFOd, anyone who thought getting your heating materials from fucking Archangelsk is a good idea, deserves to freeze a little this year

War will end in the winter.
Someone will win, someone will lose. But it will be over in the winter.

Yup, in about 2 more weeks you can take a hot shower again.

Attached: Russia-gas-EU-4043653.jpg (590x590, 80.85K)

never heated with gas in my life user, Gaslets BTFOd

Attached: Screenshot from 2022-09-11 10-52-19.png (1061x884, 256.05K)

>the russian line "faltered" under kiev
of course it did

more cockholes died in the last 4 days than in the last month, for your information piggie

let me repeat myself, after 6 months you wont find actual combat footage from ukrainians, and if the footage from the shitshow going on right now was spammed in the media under "epic ukrainian advance" people would laugh in your stupid fucking face

look at this shit rofl

you want to tell me russians "faltered" from this

Self-improovers will say this is actually a good thing

if a banker reees, im happy user, i lived through 3 recessions now and really dont care, stop being such a coward pussy
ivan, if youre that assblasted that your daddy Putins army is breaking right now, why not join them to reverse the line ? ah yeah, youre a champagne vatnik who wouldnt even know how to load a rifle, i forgot

Is not about keep your ass warm in the winter.
Gas is used to produce energy in peak times, causing blackouts. Gas is used by industry, mostly as a cheap for of energy, but also as a chemical source. And gas ain't the same. Germany chemical industry need Russia gas, or months to redevelop their process to other gases.
You don't understand that without gas, there is no fertilizer, and without fertilizer, there is less food production. If the was go over this winter, there will be no fertilizer for EU.

So electric? Or wood burning?

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now take for comparison winter combat footage from russian volunteers

city fights, tons of guro proofs that arent bucha civilians, tons of dead pigs, you are not going to pretend that all this shit (cough azov/mariopol) is forgotten

Those are both very important factors, it's not an either or what do you think war is?

Whatever you're using instead of copium lay it off, it's not good.

>i lived through 3 recessions now and really dont care
I was a kid in 90's Brazil. When liberals opened the doors of my country to cheap shit from china. I know what is 2000% inflation in a year. You don't know. You think 3% shrink of economy is the end of the world.

This. It's going to be amazing to watch Europe either restart their nuclear program or come crawling back to Russia. Also, can't wait to buy the dip on €.

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>tfw you literally skilled into the most useless class in final fantasy
I hate this meta so fucking much.
Even a bard would have been better.

>Gas is used to produce energy in peak times, causing blackouts. Gas is used by industry, mostly as a cheap for of energy
yeah, gas heavy industry joos here, who crippled all other forms of energy production here will bleed now, our monopoly joos who corrupted every aspect of life and got the syrians and niggers here for muh economy, are going to bleed, based ?
>Germany chemical industry need Russia gas,
i repeat, russian gas has been completely cut off now, since they get it from LNG terminals from BENELUX countries now, and if our industry joos have to pay more now, thats not my prob
>You don't understand that without gas, there is no fertilizer, and without fertilizer, there is less food production
so no more food for noggers, based

i know you people are vatniggers or subverted kevins who now have to play this card because the front is rolled up, in a strange hope that the hinterland of ukraine is collapsing now, but i cant care less about the idiots and niggers here, who hung up their production and welfare on putins gas

solar in summer and wood in winter

You know what?
Maybe it's for the greater good. Who knows, maybe when there is less gibs, and the goverment of europeans countries need to decide between refugees, and their people, maybe they start to send them back...
Maybe this is the chemotherapy that Europa needs...

the farm house where i lived didnt have a central heating until 2005 and the walls are 300 year old granite
im not a pampered city fag user

amerishart PMCs have been sucking dick nonstop for almost 20 years now, you just dont see any of it in the media

good old venezuela had some happenings anyone remember? If I were to guess some kikes wanted to steal their resources as per usual. They were "about" to get the democracy live on CNNC, they had an evil dictator, la la la

do you know why it didnt work out?
here you go

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im not banking on that one, but im hoping on it
made 500 m3 of oven ready lumber this year if old german boomers around here cant handle the winter, and i really dont give a shit about the cityfags

You are in for a surprise this coming winter :P.

Hope you are right.

Do you live on an off grid farm? If not, you will still see a 5x in electrical prices, and any food you don't grow will be up by 50%. Regardless, you might be ok, but Europe is going to be fucked. Hopefully you have food tax avoidance scheme because they will be coming after anyone who tries to avoid the general suffering.

you do realize youre talking to a ukrainian refugee

he'll just run away somewhere else, its how these niggers do

everything that might die off here in germany, the massive population of useless eaters, the industry joos who drove us against the wall for a quick buck and the urban faggots and politicians who did everything to fuck over real germans, is exactly what Any Forums says is bad about germany user

why in the fuck should i reee, when this fiat economy, which only fucks over germans, while shoving gold in everyone elses assholes is going down right now ?

the right people are going to bleed, simple as

EU has gas reserves, sorry to break it to you ivan

Do you really niggers believe that Ukraine will win ? LOL you are really delusional.

not off grid, but im producing around 90% of energy and warm water in summer with solar by now, and i actually renewed the contract in january, because at that point Any Forums allready had threads up about muh ukraine war, so im safe for the next 2 years and then we will see