Shed tears reading this

I think some of us laugh at trannies as a defence mechanism against a deeper horror.

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Degenerate child of weak parent
Rope is the cure

Believe it or not, the people who risk social isolation in favor of the truth tend to care too much, not too little.

Letting your children on the internet is practically criminal at this point.

>give me hope
>give me success stories

The saddest part of it all is how even after falling to the bottom of the barrel, they still refuse to acknowledge the main issue and ask for more koolaid.

gg no re

no refunds

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No tears. We are allowing children to irreversibly mutilate themselves, this crime is right up there with allowing adults to groom and fuck kids which is in the process of happening right now between drag queen story hour and MAP acceptance. It’s not an overreaction, not right wing bigotry, drag queen story hour comes from queer theory which almost all of the ideological leaders have written about the need for adults to fuck children. I’ve tried sounding the alarm and almost every case all I get back is the npc stare. Fuck them. Let the horror show really begins when MAPs are accepted and in 20 years when all those little faggots that got raped by adults at the consent of their parents, teachers, and other “professionals” grow up and feel nothing but destructive murderous rage, that’s when the real fun begins. No fucking tears. We as a society allow this to happen. Embrace what society is doing to itself because it fights back against any voice of reason, let it fucking destroy itself.

the merciful thing to do is to kill them, honestly

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well it's not like we can all just collapse in horror, we've got to keep on keeping on, which means becoming dehumanized.

It is. Although you shouldn't feel pity for them. As far as I'm concerned once you troon out you loose your humanity. Permanently.

what the fuck, did they use bolt cutters on that cow?

Is this fake? How did a 14 year old boy get top surgery, but is somehow now a 17 year old with a flat chest? Or is it a biological female that got her tits removed at 14 but somehow has an adams apple?
Someone explain to me how either of these is possible

The "professionals" and the parent are exactly the people she should be angry at, they're the ones who allowed it to happen and mutilated her.

The only solace I can give such a tragedy is that the doctors responsible will be executed in the not too distant future.

She presumably got the Adam's apple from hormone therapy. Hospitals do sexual mutilation surgery on children now a well if you didn't know.

the troons that understand they have a fetish at some level call fake tits "top surgery"

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they need to take some of the trash that lead them here and I dont like murder. sleep on it

You know what's really fucked up about this, the average age of trans is 6 years old. That means most trans are transitioning under 6 years old, those kids aren't making the decision to go trans. This shit is fucked up, it shows you society truly eats its young. This should be illegal under a certain age.

>The data come from the Trans Youth Project, a well-known effort following 317 children across the United States and Canada who underwent a so-called social transition between ages of 3 and 12. Participants transitioned, on average, at age 6.5.

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Hormones cause an adams apple? That does not even seem possible

Muncgies kids
Munchausen mom needs her fix of attention

The Adam's apple develops in adolescence due to testosterone so if you inject a girl with testosterone regularly she will develop one.

this people will never be happy

Sad shit. This is why troons deserve sympathy and help not insults.

interesting. I was not aware, I figured it was like the penis in that if it wasn't there at birth, it would never be there

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I didn't know either, I had to Google it.

It shows their mums are fucking dumb whores with Munchausen syndrome or if we are being plainly honest, their parents are weak and evil for inflicting this on their offspring.

I do feel sad for them, and I hope people responsible will hang in the near future.

I laugh at trannies and bully them in the hopes they rope before they can infect innocent children with their degenerate mind virus. Once they transition they are lost any way no need to feel sorry redirect that energy to prevention

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The other day, my nephew (3) said he wanted to wear earrings. I told him those are for girls and he said he's a girl. Then my sister asks if he's sure he's girl, to which he answered no. Then she asked him if he was a boy, to which he also said no. She said he can wear earrings if he's a pirate and asked him if he was one, which was a no again. Then she asked him if he was a firefighter, to which he answered yes. We laughed and moved on.

TL;DR: trans toddlers are tools for their attention seeking or pedophilr parents

Get a jew lawyer and sue the therapists and doctors who did it. At least be miserable and rich.

There's going to be some kinda of ammendment of some sort. We're all going to look back and laugh at this, while the unaware are going to go, no ons saw this coming, and be written in the history books.

>Once they transition they are lost any way no need to feel sorry redirect that energy to prevention
100% true

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that poor kid

Ignore the damaged goods. Like a single mother, it's best to be left alone. Either it will find happiness in other matters that have nothing to do with relationships, or it will die. Not anyone's problem.

just remember all the medical "professionals" that did this. I will never forget.

If he actually was a biological girl instead of a mentally ill man I would unironically date him. Even with the deep voice, flat chest, Adam's apple a facial hair. Tbh I would just want her to shave her face daily

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What's the M-word? Male? Mutilated bastard?

Its incredibly sad; the weakest and most vulnerable of us fall victim to globohomo due to societal pressures and programming

The only way to combat this is to spread stories like this, keep up the heat, provide 0 footholds or quarter for troons and troon activists. Even if just a handful of people can be persuaded to avoiding going down the road like the OP, its worth it

It's a biological female posting, whose parents had doctors inject them with testosterone and cut their breasts off.

Why doesn't pol ever discuss the people who carry out these surgeries? Surely there must be prominent ones.

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I still find it insane that the medical industrial complex is getting away with making money off of vulnerable children and vulnerable families with this transitioning butchershop


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As terrible as this sounds I actually think this is much worse than raping children. At least a child subjected to rape, as much as they are tormented mentally, has the possibility of overcoming it and living a normal life. Children who are physically mutilated by their caregivers under the guise of supporting trans identity will never be able to go back. Most people are already OK with the idea of euthanizing child rapists so a bit more pendulum swing and we’re not far from doing the same for transgender surgeons. Remember that they will try try to hide their crimes so now is the time to document it while they’re gleefully announcing their crimes in public.

It honestly feels like a cabal of doctors who just enjoy mutilating people and worked out a scam that preys on mentally ill people who would pay to get mutilated, and the more irreversible and fucked up damage is, the more they'll pay and more this cabal will get off the rest of their lives. When I see mutilated people use word "professionals" I for some reason just paint a picture of mad scientists cliches.


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Fukken lol. This is the the reason I come back here every day.
Thanks user.

Oh than I guess I would date her is she has a working vagina, isn't fat and doesn't have really visible scars from chopping her tits off.
OP please be my wingman for this cutie

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