Why are white Americans are always like "MUH FOUNDING FATHERS"? They were slave owning oligarchs

Why are white Americans are always like "MUH FOUNDING FATHERS"? They were slave owning oligarchs

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Is that supposed to be a bad thing, bugposter?


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History doesn't look favorably on slave owners.

The truth is that the US should get a new, equitable constitution. No 2nd Amendment, for example. The US should become a new nation, with a new name, with no connection to the racists that found the old United States.

So were anglo-saxons and vikings.
the lord of mann were slavers. white slaves.

thats why we don't care. frankly.

Dirlewanger was right about you polaks

Truth hurts doesn't it chud.

They didnt just "own slaves" they took care of them and even made sweet sweet love to them.

Because they were the last people who understood how to set up a decent government.
Also back in the days before industrilaisation every rich person in the world except England had slaves. We invented the whole having slaves is bad shtick. So we could sell people machines to do what the slaves used to do.

He's a dirty rat kike

>The truth is that the US should get a new, equitable constitution. No 2nd Amendment, for example.
the second amendement was not part of the american constitution, it's an amendement, added later, the bill of right came from the french revolution, the original constitution is so useless I am willing to bet no american even know what it's articles are

I'll buy a few immigrants, just need a 4 job.

why do asians always have a straight face and lie with their eyes? i can sense you want to do wrong evil lil bitch go home to your dad you dont belong.

I bet it had some good stuff about niggers not being allowed to be citizens.

Faggot slide thread by a faggot OP, sage

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People need to educate themselves on the history of slavery. The fact is simple, humanity is only as good as their options. Slavery didn't stop because people decided morally that it was wrong. It stopped because life started to become less of a day to day struggle for common people from the 1400s onward. What single event is the most responsible for ending slavery? The Printing press in 1440 which fueled the renaissance to now heights and allowed common people to lift themselves up.

Make no mistakes. We would all be slaves, slave owners or home to be slave owners if society rewound the clock to 500+ years ago. When you need to struggle your whole life just to put food on the table (working 12 hour days 7 days a week) and are one bad injury away from starving to death you will find your morals become more flexible.

>I bet it had some good stuff about niggers not being allowed to be citizens.
I doubt it, the 1776 revolution happened in the 13 colonies, and the british empire used black slave as the basis for it's american colonie's economy, same as spain did for central america

I am reading it rn looking for anything about nigger citizenship

>Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, pr property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I think that's the article that deals with citizenship

so nothing about blacks not being able to become citizen, and later:
>Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

That's the 15th amendement, only the first 10 amendements came from the constitution of the french republic, 11+ are all unrelated


Dan the founding fathers were not as smart as I had hoped.


imagine thinking doing all that would be enough for them when youre still on "native lands" at the end of the day


Those natives just stole the land of the previous natives.
And if you go back far enough, the earliest human natives stole the land off sabre tooth tigers.
But dont feel too bad for the sabre tooth tigers because they just stole the land from whatever the top predator was before they arrived.

>Dan the founding fathers were not as smart as I had hoped.
I think that one of the elements that affected the difference in quality of the laws between the american revolution and the french revolution is that the american founding fathers were a very small group, there wasn't many people in the 13 colonies back then, let alone many eminent european thinkers

meanwhile the french revolution started with a group of around 300 people, who were local representatives during the monarchy and formed a sort of senate, so already you had many more people than the american revolution in the main group, around 30 founding fathers for america vs 300 for france, and on top of that, it happened in the center of paris, which wasn't as big and rich as it would become later, but was still a european capital

my theory is that there was a lot more brains to pull from in the french revoltion rather than the american one, several people can find better answers than a single one, and when you have 300 people+a capital city worth of geniuses to advise, give new ideas and make adjustements, you're gonna have a far better result than 30 main thinkers isolated in a small colony

the american constitution apparently dates back to 1787, not 1776, so I assume they were at war for the whole period, and it's a pretty basic text that deals with the organisation of a state and the laws, it has very few moral or ideological principles in it, it's more of a text of law and governement structure

here is a link I found with the declaration of independence (1776), the constitution 1787, the 10 first amendements/bill of rights (1791), and the rest of the amendements that happened since then and were slowly added president after president:



Those amendments were created post civil war. If you're a brainwashed retard you'll think it was about slavery and not about setting the foundations for the globalist state the U.S. is today.

>Those natives just stole the land of the previous natives.
it's more true than people realize, for example everyone knows north american natives were "horse riding steppe nomads"... except there wasn't a single horse in america until europeans came there, the horses used by the native americans were wild horses originally brought there by the spanish empire

aka, all the famous tribes and groups of north american indians were groups that had sprouted between 1500 and 1776, they didn't exist before that, the tribes that dominated north america all came from a few tribes that had completelt changed their lifestyle and used the released european horses to travel far and cover a lot of distance both for war and to hunt down game

sry boomerpost

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