When will we see the first exit polls?
Also reminder that all novoters are fucking retards for thinking voting doesn't matter. Even though SD hasn't been in government yet, their success in elections have already had a huge impact on politics by normalizing those views in the eyes or many normies. Every vote contributes to pulling the collectivist NPCs in the nationalist direction.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Exit polls in 5 hours

Baserad dansk

Fuck Nazis

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For me? It had to be AfS. Hopefully they get to 1% so they can get all the government gibs.

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Hållkäften svenne

Sweden is a lost caus anyway, just vote for INFÖR ABSOLUT MONARKI NU! which by the why is the most based of them all.

Yeah I would probably have voted afs too even though there is an argument for voting SD strategically as well given the tight race. But there's definitely value in AfS winning territory in every election.

Novoting is a cuck vote. It means you are actively agreeing with the result we get.

>lets save Sweden user

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This time it's not visible to all which parties' ballots you take, wonder if that will have any impact at all

>told GF I'm voting SD
>she starts crying
Still voted for SD today.

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Media sources? I asked earlier today and yesterday with 0 replies. Is there a streaming broadcaster covering the election?

I'm checking svt.se/ but idk if thats a decent source.

Jävla bög.
Nordic Resistance movement was on Patriotic weekly review 2 weeks ago.

POV: You're an average-height male meeting Ulf Kristersson for the first time.

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The problem with voting is that the die was cast decades ago and taking actions now wont stop the immense momentum that been building up.
Should vote anyway just for fun, get AfS some seats. Even if democracy is cringe.

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Ulf will abandon his team at the first sign of S offering him the prime minister post.

Maggan or Uffe? You decide! For me? Its based Uffe

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Lyssna på Bamse, rösta V

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Hope you slapped her good

She should leave you

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swedcucks explain Are you really gonna let this election get stolen

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>told GF im voting SD
> She's wet like a waterfall

heh skurt now that take me back..

anyways what's happening over the other side of the keel? here? peasoup... so rip ozonlayer

Yes vote for the most pro-israel party in Sweden! I love living in a democracy. The system is perfect and absolutely not rigged in any way. You democracy believers are truly retarded, you probably write a list to Santa Claus at christmas aswell.

Minority parties will have a hard time during this election as it's really even between the two blocks. And AfS hasn't even propely done any election campaign as they did last time. All small parties will barely get any votes or even smaller votes than last election.

I think S and the redgreens will win this election again as Sweden is too cucked and our population always get lobotomy once they vote. "Oh our country is going as shit, why?? reee??" then in the both "oh I should vote S because they havent create all this mess during their 8 years of power, its alliansen fault".

The thinking mans choice

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(((expressen))) is live on youtube now if that floats your boat


dont care still not voting

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You're retarded.

they did this last time too. but hey to them you know they go
is only democracy when people vote for me... .. absolute aids

sounds hot

And youre voting for a neonazi

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If I remember correctly wasn't it a some votes that was "lost" from those who voted abroad last time?

pea soup sweden... if is blowing east today....
you are in for a nightmare.....

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I wish.

No kike, they're not Nazis. They support Israel, ok?

I love Israel because they make sandniggers and AfSfags seethe

Yea it may make most sense to go with SD this election due to how close it is. Is the cutoff 4% to get into parliament in Sweden? That's pretty high if it's the case, here it's only 2%, which is much better. Only reason to have a high cutoff limit is to keep any new politics from momentum and keep the status quo.

Good luck svenskjävler!

Emigrant här, redan röstat vänstern :) viktigt att stå upp för vår välfärd och inte sälja ut vårt land och befolkning till riskkapitalister

That sounds awesome! I wish you were right! I wish it was the SVP instead! Fuck niggers and fuck lightbulbheads!

I voted like a week before the election, why stand in a crowded booth when I can just go when there's hardly anyone there.

Heja Jimmie!


also you better watch out bindland if tt blows east doday you are going to get rekt too

We will be better of once all the boomers die off, since they all vote S or V. But then again, at that point there will be enough niggers and mudslimes to make up for them.

Jews should be expelled to Palestine and be servile to their Arab cousins.

I asked if she wanted me to leave.
>no, it's ok, it's just hard for me to understand that people have different opinions than me
>(her exact words)
She voted for Vänsterpartiet.

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Thank you.
I read that there may be delays in counting due to big queues.

If we didn't have the 4% barrier we'd have gotten a radical feminist party in the Riksdag that wants to discriminate against swedish men and let in millions of sandniggers

I voted for V today

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Ah there you are. Got cucked out of replying in ended thread

Yes but we have the same problem: the closer you get to reality (fed = pure fiction, no real world use. Province = at least a territory, closer to getting there. City/town = finally something tangible), the less people care about it.
It’s truly a diabolical inversion.

Novoters are just as bad if not worse than immigrant voters

peasoup the true and original weapn of mass destruction... I can see the fart cloud alrady forming.. no pekka ahhonen no knife will stop this..

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Fuck, I hate how Sossarna treat us like election cattle and try to herd me to go vote for them. They come knock on my door "Have you voted for us yet?!". After voting, they have an army outside of the store "Hello! Have you voted yet?!". I understand why they do it, but it annoys me to no end.

Do any other parties behave like this where you live, anons?

Watch them pull another (((faulty equipment))) If S is doing too poorly, just like last time.

Look here, chud.
I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but they're not Nazis. There are literal trannies and gays that vote for SD and AfS so they won't have to live in fear of being beaten in the street by transphobic muslims.

Why even bring up what you're voting for with your partner? Honestly, who cares?

> given the tight race
But don’t they just make up their blocks anyway? How is a small party vote a throwaway then?

Honestly a lot of stuff actually boils down to immigration no matter your views on immigration its obvious a nearly instant 10-20% population increase will create problems. And that is before taking into account the problems these people bring with them.

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Jesus, those jews we sent over in WW2 really did a number on you guys. But they probably wouldn't have had much influence anyway only have a few percent.

Exactly. And that’s what all the fucking militant “rebel” anarchists do every single election, the statu quo cunts

Kek, I'm not defending anyone but SDs and Ls tickets are in the picture... I don't know what she's screaming about stupid as woman.

I see you enjoy manifest destiny then. Time to rape a reservation alcoholic lmao