This shithole is collapsing day by day. Seems like nothing can stop the decay...

This shithole is collapsing day by day. Seems like nothing can stop the decay. Orbán is one of the most incompetent leader we ever had.

Attached: flag.png (1920x960, 1.82K)

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you're so sweet user
>t. romanian

Are you the teacher that lives of €700 a month?

Poor people will have to tighten their belts. Did you think you would be able to go through life without seeing hard times? There's always the option of improving your situation so these things affect you less.

Orbán is probably the best leader Europe have right now.
The others are all globohomo sellouts or grifters.

I pray to god for a leader like Orban to appear in England every day.

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Teachers in Hungary getting paid 700 eur per month XDDD NICE JOKE try 350 euro after taxes

a piece of shit commie who caps prices of common goods ruins small businesses by making them take the losses and then buys them up and sells it to his friends for pennies?

Me to user.

Having a leader that doesn't hate white british people even seems wierd concept to me now.
We've had nothing but ZOG loyalists for the past 100 years.

I'm not that guy but he has a point, teacher starter salary is around €500. We barely have any young teacher so the education system has 1 maybe 2 year left.

user i know we've had our differences. But you can't just let go man! Hungary is a great country i think, You just need to work for it and save it. If it was really over you'd be in a jail cell ruled by chinese wardens!

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>Are you the teacher that lives of €700 a month?
The forint has plummetted a bit since :) Now it's 600. But at least inflation is over 15%

Néger vagy.

Attached: a_nagy_lista.png (1200x1901, 2.2M)

Hahahahhahahah tftp

Damn, how the fuck do people make a living over there?

Mosogass cigány.

Mosogasson az apád fasza, az. Ha olyan szar otthon miért nem jössz utánnam, buzi? Ebben a nyüves országban még a fiúdat is férjül vehetnéd, oszt mégis otthon ülsz.

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If you are a teacher you get like 160k huf net about 350 euro in rural Hungary.

200k+ nettot hol kapnak a tanárok vidéken?

170kt keres a haverom Szegeden tanárként

Nyertem közbeszerzést, ha ennyire imádod magyarhont miért árufeltöltesz a hanyatló nyugaton?

Árufeltoltokent annyit keres egy honap alatt mint amit te fél év alatt

A tanári fizetések állapota tényleg igen gázos, viszont tényként vehettjük azt is hogy a modern tanárképzés olyan tanárokat csinál akik tíz forintot nem érnek. Szerintem se ártana már az oktatási rendszert gatyába rázni, de egy béremelés nem fogja megoldani a problémát - gyökerestül föl kell rántani az egészet.

Amúgy hogy keveredtél az albánokhoz? Csak úgy, kiváncsiságból.

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Azzal tisztába vagyok, dolgozzon is amèg tud, nem sokáig leszünk EU tagok.

Továbbképzésen vagyok itt, te köcsög. Nem kell ennyire feszengeni csak azért, mert kisebbségi komplexusod van a világjáró fajtától. Alig várom, hogy végre hazamehessek és ne a szurinámiakat kelljen hallgatom ahogy óbégatnak és verik a hollandokat.

Isn't Orban like the ONLY leader you've had since Communism was over?

Why do you keep posting this on a daily basis?

I thought that was Ireland but Hungary works too, is there any place not collapsing?

Taking a break from the anti-Russia shilling with some anti-Hungary shilling, eh?

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>700 eur per month
How the fuck do people survive on that sallary?

How much are you being paid to spam this every day?

We had a brief back-and-forth between socialists and the oranges after the regime shift, til the reds ran the country's economy so hard into the ground that unemployment rates made Detroit look like a paradise compared to Budapest. Then the "2006 Incident" happened, after which we've been consistently keeping the guy in parliament. Most of the country's still traumatized from that, hence the overwhelming loyalty to His Majesty King Orbán the First. Even the thoughtless zoomer generation growing up and buying into western liberal ideas didn't get him dethroned.

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You can leave anytime, Slomó.
Nobody is forcing you to stay.


Very simple, you don't have to pay 100 euros for a carton of milk back home. Or, at least, so was the case until Zelya managed to finally provoke the ruskies into attacking him back in February. Since then, apparently everything has to cost six times as much because of the war. The gov't has been trying to protect the people from the retarded inflation by putting "price stops" into effect on certain goods, but that's stupid commie policy which will irreversibly backfire eventually. The question is when.

Technically the same thing, Hungary is a satellite state of Russia.

Gyakran olvasol

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user, I don't think you're supposed to expose yourself like that.