Why does the right-wing pretend to hate cancel culture?

Why does the right-wing pretend to hate cancel culture?

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That nigger has pretty based takes on the queen but it's more about not letting retarded niggers be college professors.

she wasn't cancelled at all

I doubt carnegie has 1 right wing teacher. So where does Any Forums come into it?

Why does the left pretend to love it?

>free expression
say "nigger" or "faggot" just to try

Guess how I know you're irish descended and should be allowed in pubs with blacks or dogs

Don’t care

It's a war. The left cancels he right and the right doesn'tcancel the left
Guess what? The left win. I'd like cancel culture if it cancelled disgusting worms like vaush and got rid of stupid nogs like carniggie

It's only cancel cure when the other side does it

Why would I have problems with cancelling niggers and leftoids?

Why do fags on both sides think that everybody on the other side is the exactly the same? Could you be any more retarded?

>There is no such thing as cancel culture
>Why does the right wing pretend to hate cancel culture

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What happened to hating racists?

I do hate it but I also hate playing by a set of rules that the left doesn't follow so this is just holding them to their own standards.

Attached: cao cao.webm (720x400, 2.91M)

The fuck are you on about now Nigel?

Which samurai movie is that? I see scenes posted a lot here. Those Mexicans look basado

In a few years, after a tide of new-age anti-monarchy hysteria, the university will claim to agree with everything she said. The left just wait until the time is right to take the mask off, then they act like the mask never existed. For example, Obama was elected on an platform against gay marriage, but revealed himself shortly after when the tide changed and nobody questions it to this day.

We stop when you stop

It's a TV series called Three Kingdoms.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms TV serie.

>we are going to attack your ability to make a living and feed your families because you have opinions we dont like
kys tranny. When you declare war against a people you dont get to sit in a sniper's nest picking them off, they actually shoot back