Is there anyting lower than a food delivery driver?

I looked into the eyes of some skinny, late 40s hobo, cycling like a dirty peasant serf that he is, with a big backpack on his shoulders, delivering food to some consoomers.

I already saw his family history.

Grandparents were new migrants into the city, themselves being descendant from former legit serfs and dirt farmers. As a kid, his grandfather was first to finish 6 grades of elementary school and learn a trade. He was subjected to beatings by his dad and master to whom he was an apprentice his entire teenage period.

Then came his dad. He was born into the post war boom years of 1960's Yugoslavia, but still poor. He remembers the happiest event of his childhood being when a local party functionary had ceremoniously given the keys to their new commie block small flat to his now elderly and ailing father. Bad back, collapsing lungs or asbestous disease. Who knows what killed him in the end.

And then came the cycling idiot, junior. Somewhere in late 1970's. Oh, how the future seemed bright for him, he would be a lawyer, doctor or an engineer. Building a higher step towards a true socialist state and a better life for his kids.

But then Tito died, war came, son dropped out of college, dad died. Only his demented mother, his heroin and alcohol addictions and he remain.

And so he pedals, pedals that bike like a good little monkey. For a better tomorrow that will never come.

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Any Forums Janitor

Yeah being a croat

yeah, the vehicle they use

>imagine being a croat food delivery driver

9/10 times they are junkies, drunkards or Bosnians. And more and more, Nepalese and Bangladeshi migrants.

you mean 100% pure ethnic Croats unlike Serbized Purgeri or Commie Istrani?

Kockogloovi, yes.

Bosnians are all inbred hillbillies, thats why you all look the same like pircel.

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Nacisti su slali ekspedicije u Tibet da mjere tamo ljudima lubanje a samo su trebali se spustiti u brda Bosne i ponuditi znojnim seljačinama čokoladu ili flašu alkohola i to su isto mogli napraviti.


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I just hate niggers
>Capcha--- POO4XD
Poo 4 XD

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Check me you niggers

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can you fags go one thread without starting a regional conflict? latex.

You and Mexico could learn a thing or two from us. Tag team and destroy the burgers.

I don't know, but there Is the eastern European dude that delivers pizza on Twingo while blasting electronic music and driving like a maniac.

I have a soul connection with him and I understand why is he doing It. He deserves our respect, hopefully he will die before getting caught.

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>Is there anything lower than a food delivery driver?
The answer is related to your question.

There are no female delivery drivers. It is beneath them. Only sweaty men.

Isn't Croatia too warm for latex? There is a reason why the fetish is most popular in colder countries, like Germany, Netherlands or Canada.

Air conditioning, my man. Everyone has one device, despite burger memes.

>sweaty men
That's exactly what I was trying to imply.