I'm bald

What's the most based and redpilled way to kill myself?

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Killing niggers until dawn


necking yourself calogero

50pct of men have some hairloss in their 30s a lot of men pop harsh tranny tier chemicals to keep their hair a bit longer.

>being so vain you give a shit about aspects of your appearance you have no control about
Fucking faggot

Shave your head and stop acting like a bitch.

not saying it glowie

drive a truck full speed into a motorbike gang meetup

Scalp yourself

You won't do anything you faggot. Just shave your head and stop whining like a tranny.

Being bald is fine. Find a really weird wig and wear it everywhere. Like one of those wigs from the 1500s rich people used to hide their syphillis.

if you're a male who gives a fuck?
unless you're a manlet. if you're a bald manlet then yeah just neck

Find the most elite jew obviously. But it's better to live and procreate white children.

Some tinderella complemented me for having a full head of hair in my 40s
Must suck to be a hairlette
I wouldn't know

wait for a storm then go for a barefoot walk with a metal rod

save 2k and go to turkey to get hairtransplant

Kill Putin. You will enter the history books as a hero who prevented WW3

id go for train or disembowling yourself

Start lifting as a cope and stop caring

or this

or started
either works

Go into the woods and build a cabin. Give your life new meaning.

Bond your hands to your head with cheese wire around your neck, jump off moderately high building, be found decapitated with your head in your hands, be remembered for pulling your own head off