Question on Demoracy

By voting are you legitimizing the current system ("democracy")?

Attached: 1661714811245906.jpg (2566x1752, 572.49K)

If they can manufacture votes then they could manufacture the illusion that most people vote.


fuck democracy

Democracy is rule by kikes, but I suppose there is still a pragmatic choice in how you choose to engage in it
>vote liberal to accelerate in hopes that this system will kill itself faster
>vote conservative to drag things out a bit longer if you need time to prepare
>vote the actually dissident party that has no chance of winning just to increase their numbers and make others feel they aren't alone
It's a no-win situation but I vooooot anyway based on which of these I think is most important

Democracy can suck my balls

legitimacy is a spook and there is no reason to consider a vote to be consent when the choice always between evils

>By voting are you legitimizing the current system?

> by shouting "The Queen is dead, long live the King!" are you legitimizing the current system ("monarchy")?

> by hiding in your basement are you legitimizing the current system ("tyranny")?

>By killing the counter revolutionaries, are you legitimizing the current system ("communism")?


> By accusing a poster of being a bot, are you legitimizing the current system ("mob rule")?

I'm quite proud of how this thread turned out.
Pic related.

Attached: B3C0E1F6-6EBE-441C-9FF9-08536D7F596E.jpg (1942x1955, 1.66M)

I need to admit it's funny.

Thanks, OP.
Your question got stuck in my head.

>By being a leftoid, are you legitimizing the current system ("nigger worship")?

Leftoids comes in many different forms and shapes.

>By coming in many different forms and shapes, are you legitimizing the current system ("coomerism")?

"Based leftists" are so vanishingly small in number they may as well not exist. People who claim to be "nazbol" or whatever are just too contrarian or cowardly to identify as natsoc. Even self-identified commies like Vaush end up just being neoliberal cocksuckers when it comes down to it.

Woke Finn-poster.

Fuck niggers


Fuck kikes