The mutt race loses to the white Ethnostate

>The mutt race loses to the white Ethnostate
>Any Forums is surprised by this

Attached: Russian mutt.jpg (2436x1524, 961.4K)

>just a passing comment
What white ethnostate? There isn't one

Half of ukrainians are tatars who just identify as slavs. Their funds come from muttland. It is mutt on mutt war

So turko-mongol-slav mutts are white now?

When your country is 98% the same race you are pretty close to one.

This is cope

Attached: F2.large[1].jpg (1280x797, 77.43K)

Any Forums is full of white-hating shitskins.

Doesn’t this show that Ukrainians are closer to mongols than any other European?

firsly, stop using the kike terminology if you wish to escape being stuck in a kikescape
secondly, hohols have nearly as much shitskins as we do, the main difference is we don't try to care about them or cater to them, quite the contrary
thirdly, the outcome of this conflict has no major bearing on Ukraine anymore, they're fucked either way thanks to westcucks getting them into debt slavery. also just a remainder that they had lower standard of living than Russia even before getting half their economy and land blown to pieces. it's uganda of europe and despite being prorussian I wish it would actually remain independent (with some less territories) just to have a laugh watching it implode over a decade.

Objectively false. Russia is filled with Muslims

No. The whole conflict is eastern jew cartel vs western jews cartel for world dominance

>white ethnostate
>ruled by a jew
Might want to enlarge those eyes chang

Ukrainians and Russians look the same to me.
Both have that weird wide and flattened headshape and big potato nose, but op does have a point, some Russians look a tad mongoloid or chinesey.

Attached: B261F7E0-C57C-46A5-AFFB-46AE135DB7BD.jpg (602x339, 31.83K)

yes, and we are respected by them and are respecting them back, unlike the western situation where christians took their cuckoldry fetish to the limits and lick the boot of replacement ethnics all day long. and we don't bother with forced diversity everywhere, that's part of the respect.

>We may have lost, but at least we made your life worse.
Russia in a nutshell.

Fucking this, what a disgusting mentality

>white nationalistic troops with crosses on tanks slaughter commies and churkas using the blitzkrieg tactics

>white race saviors from /chug/ still look sad

Maybe the whites monkey saves and the whites IRL are different people?

I visited Ukraine back in 2014 and I doubt official GDP stats accurately portray their economy since most of the business is in the gray zone. Of course they’re poorer than Russia but it’s not as bad as on paper.

Ukraine is not 98% pure and whatever peoples who were there are either being killed or displaced via diaspora. A second israel with relacement migrant workers will rise in its place

>Sweden at 87% already


>Respects Muslim shitskins
I am happy you faggots are losing

Attached: Putin jew.jpg (1024x733, 235.2K)

the guy in your pic doesn't really look slavic. He looks Finnish

...they're the ones who got themselves into this conundrum by acting like a spoiled brat by spitting at one giant state literally next door while sucking the cock of another one on the other side of the globe. most human beings get out of this phase by late teens. hohols have no one to blame but themselves and their leadership by making decisions which would normally get you spanked by your parents. also dismantling the sovereignty of Ukraine is a win and I guess it's a shame we'll have to wait for it for some years if that comes to pass but that's literally the objective of why we went there. and in the long run it will make the life of average mykola much better too. stop being a cuck while simping to disintegrating power structures overseas. instead ensure your tomorrow right here is going to be better.

>white ethnostate
Every ZOGbot deserves a bullet.

Attached: with jews you lose.png (733x1371, 1.41M)

>Randomly declare europe ending on russian border
>HAHA you're not european

Europe isn't a continent. Also finns have 0 european descent - they're finno-ugric afterall, not Indo-European

Attached: tectonic-plates (1).png (1056x646, 103.07K)

>russian flag
>white is a kike terminology

Yes yes 2 more weeks and you will denazify them and join more lands to JAO, amirite.

>98% white vs 84% white


Wow, who knew the federation that kept control of its non-Euro territories would have a lot of non-Euros within its borders. I guess France wasn't white in the 30s since they controlled Algeria. Also,
>not even a decade out from Maiden
>fag marriage already well on its way
Destroying Ukraine's economy and military might just save it from becoming homo if the backlash is strong enough.

Attached: homo ukraine.jpg (658x1301, 112.55K)

Lol this is fucking cope.
>Sure we are filled with shitskins b-but

There is no europe
It's all asia
Land of the as, the first
And muslims have an own plate
Sneed more

Was France in the 30s nonwhite?

83.3% is impressive considering they share gigantic borders with a bunch of Asian countries.

>Comparing colonies that aren't allowed to go to the mainland to Russia which is filled with shitskins