What made western men weak?

We know universal female suffrage and central banking started the destruction of western countries, but even before that it's clear that men were becoming spiritually weak. They no longer had the will to lead their women and societies, and succumbed to jewish tricks and pussy power. What is the cause of this? Is it reversible or our societies eventually be overthrown by the barbarians?

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ur mom

unironically it's civilization, it makes you effeminate
read about how the mongols preserved their culture even when managing an empire spanning eurasia

Life is easy.
There are no more real problems, so we need to make ones up.
There is no real struggle anymore.

Also reading about how roman society make people weak and the romans knew this, hence what they got the germanic tribes help to conquer the gauls, and ironically it was roman influence that had mad the gauls weak enough to be conquered in the first place

Listen user, im a history dude. NOTHING good came from the mongols. NOTHING. They destroyed civilization, they did not spread it. Anyone that says otherwise is wrong.

>What is the cause of this?
Because the system wanted it so
They thought they had the game sown up
Because of that they were done using us as a conquering tribe for them
So they:
Inject us with poison
Put endocrine disruptors in the plastic, ink, paper, etc
Poison the water
Poison the food
Fund multi billion dollar propaganda campaigns to make as many homos as possible
Bring in Bantus as a new conquering tribe, to subject their used equipment (us)

Christianity, Nietzsche offers a good opinion on this in Beyond Good and Evil

Victim ethics, Materialism, capitalism, nihilism.

Jewish Christians convinced Europeans the victim is the good guy.
Jewish lawyers created a legal system in Europe based on wealth instead of duty.
Jewish bankers created an abstract system of wealth divested from production.
Jewish cultural scientists convinced Europeans none of these things mattered, not survival, not duty, not productivity.

Oy Vey, nihilism.
New Jew > old Jew.
Science > religion
It's not hard to tell that Jews run America, it's visible in Inge ignorance of the ordinary American

We'll stay weak until we suffer enough to get angry.
'Twas ever thus

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Corn syrup, microplastics, and a school system dedicated to discouraging physical fitness in non-athletes risking life-changing injury for no reason.

a combination of dysgenic evolutionary pressures and straight up killing every strong man in ww1 and ww2

Killed a shit load of muzzies, should've went to india tho, would've been so disgusted they wiped them off the face of the earth we'd have a whole new burnt down salted sub continent to colonize

>they destroyed civilization
that's why they're good

Bill Maher had Scott Galloway on last night talking about crisis in boys failing vs girls succeeding


They destroyed Baghdad. That was something good. Shame they never made it to Rome to burn that down too.

You're inferior
Time to admit !!


How did they do so? I'm interested in reading material.
The Mongols, huns, etc. are exactly what I'm describing in terms of a civilized nation/empire with all the advantages (rome, U.S., etc.) losing to barbarians simply due to a weakness of character. The romans of scipio's time would've never lost to the germans. They were famous throughout history for continuing to fight to the bitter end against all odds, even after multiple disasters. I forget the quote but I think I might've been Teddy Roosevelt who also recognized this pattern throughout history. Societies become decadent, and despite the attitudes among the liberal types in society, that decadence doesn't last and instead is completely overthrown when tribes of people who aren't cucks come along and murder everyone.

The muslim situation in europe is a good example. They couldn't conquer europe for literally two thousand years, but now they're taking over peacefully via simple immigration. Europeans could just machine gun them at the border and it would be simple and easy to stop it, but they don't have the will to do so. Similar with americans & mexicans.

lol, cope. Go shit in a street and make curry out of it.

It's due to the cyclical nature of history. Every civilization is destined to grow old and die like any organism. Read Decline of the West by Spengler and you will understand.

No sir we superior!

Doesn't really matter, we're just chilling until shit gets rough again, let us enjoy our time off.

Hmmm yeah, good idea.
>Spengler predicted that about the year 2000, Western civilization would enter the period of pre‑death emergency whose countering would lead to 200 years of Caesarism
This is kinda what I'm seeing as well. Trump was an early attempt at that but he was too weak. Eventually though I imagine we'll get ours. Tacitus remarked on the same thing. Late-republic Romans were sick of the decadence so they latched onto a strong dictator like Caesar who would bring back some semblance of order. That only worked when the emperor was good though, and we saw that it only prolonged the death of Rome, it didn't reverse it.