Visca Catalunya

Happy national day to all catalan anons. I am sure guys, we are gonna make it, final victory will be ours. Hail victory!

Attached: senyera.jpg (355x237, 13.2K)

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Are you an anarchist, catalonia-user?
Kinda based ngl

Just learn2vote bros


I am christian nationalist. CNT and FAI anarchists was just full of rootless immigrants from the beginning, as well as confused catalans like "el noi del sucre" - "the sugar boy"- a famous catalan anarchist from that time.

Omae wa mou Shindeiru

Attached: catalunyagettyaffan.jpg (640x426, 44.52K)

The only way Catalonia will ever get its independence from Spain was when they are going to join the Al-Franssi caliphate

Attached: cat.jpg (1300x957, 192.51K)

Bona diada, compatriotes! Que mori l'enemic. Donec Perficiam

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yeah whatever.. just like castillians did with moorish troops.

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Was this you Catalufo?

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friendly reminder to anons that everlasting life is the free gift of God. like a birthday gift, once you receive it, it's forever yours. if you want to receive it live forever, and be 100% sure of going to heaven, watch this gospel video.

gospel means good news.

Attached: gift.jpg (900x900, 92.69K)

Fuck off stupid retarded, catalunia is spain.

must be sad to be a panchito for all your life.

>gospel means good news
gospel is a fucking protestantist shit, put that trash in your ass motherfucker son of the devil, you and your satanist allies will burn forever in hell.


>Imagine being Chilean unironically

Poor conquered enchilado

We'll take our country back.
They will be going back to Africa soon along with the rest of their brown brethren

Catalan collectivization only sort of worked because the average Catalan peasant getting paid in brown pussy could work for ten celtniggers and manage a company better than an inbred cryptokike from Castile.


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Unironically fuck catalunya its the most kiked part of Spain,even if the rest of spaniards are functionally retarded compared to us
T. Català

Attached: Reac.png (900x872, 739.88K)

Based FNC enjoyer

show flag, every time i see a catalan flag and i try my catalan with them they just disappear or use google translator.

lol felic diada i vixca l'raca catala

>everytime I try my catalan
Come on, give it a try with me. I've always enjoyed american attempts at understanding other cultures

yeah, we have been kiked by the countless waves of castillian immigrant starving leftists. Hopefully we will undo that.

>Poor conquered enchilado
omg you are a literally retarded, chile does not exist before spain, we were spain. Reject modernism right now

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pots parlar català amb mi company. El que passa és que he de marxar a fer feina aviat i no tinc tant de temps com voldria.

>El que passa és que he de marxar a fer feina aviat
uf, anims
my favorite shill is that dude with the catalan flag that always posts the same pasta with a pic that's always named "chud goes outside.jpg". Always gets a chuckle out of me