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B-but I thought Euros were white!


>B-but I thought fucking ROCKS were alabaster-colored!


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It was the stone that darkened over time, but she blonde hair is legit tho

>B-but I thought the original and real Europeans were too stupid to use paint!

You don't know shit about Italians.

Zulu empires & w/e had kangs. I don’t know why black Americans aren’t more interested in that than pic related sort of thing.
They should learn that you can’t listen to globo libturd leftist loonies they seethe lies in preference to truth. It’s not productive just destructive.

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It's not white leftists who tell them that every black American was a descendant of Mansa Musa and King Tut, that comes from black nationalists and hoteps.

We white people turn into black when we dead or burned.


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Yes I am fully aware this site is a honeypot. I do not care and will continue to browse here. That is, unless the content continues to fall further into bullshit and shillery than it already has. There is occasionally some good stuff here but not so much recently. I know you know who I am and where I reside. I don't care. Fuck the federal government and fuck you reading this you unamerican anti-constitutional bootlicker.

Why mansa musa, wasn't he some retard who
did nothing with the gold his land sat on but crash multiple economies on his pilgrimage to mecca?

So… big nose is a characteristic of people from hot and dry climates. Did you know that?

thats one sharp nose for a negro, artistic freedom?

No, the Tutsi and bedouins have the same jewish nose.

grape drank bros...not like this


Doesnt look like a nigger