The Holocaust never happe-

The Holocaust never happe-

Attached: download (5).jpg (270x187, 9.65K)

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op faggot

Attached: world at war speer.jpg (1920x1080, 175.34K)


What nigger country is that flag?

So did it happen and the jews deserved it, or did it not happen and the jews are lying about it ever occurring?

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n, but it should have

gonna need more closeups to confirm this is holocaust related. you can't just show some blurry photo of people pointing guns into a ditch. get that camera right down in there

also Any Forums's Razor

Attached: twodogs.jpg (750x802, 61.73K)

thats like almost 20 people. only 5,999,980 to go

>leaf doesn’t know this is a Mongolian basket weaving forum

I'm truly sorry but the very best count I can offer you is 435 thousand Jews lost for all of world war 2, and that's including the 3 stipulations we talked about earlier that 100 thousand of those were natural causes, people who were on deaths door already, another 150 thousand were trained Israeli soldiers (Israel had declared war on Germany the entirety of world war 2 and military operations were ongoing) and Insurgents who were attacking Germany from within using military equipment, and finally another 50 thousand non military casual insurrection and sabotage and lost from summary judgments outside of camps.

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pretty sure killing communist rebels isn't the holocaust
>actually it is, the holocaust was the soviets kvetching about the nazi killing soviet loyalists terrorists

i get it now

>be german
>write your wife and send her a photo
>"oh weve been romping around killing jews left and right - here's the last one in this city!

Kinda looks like it happened

Attached: The_last_Jew_in_Vinnitsa,_1941.jpg (1200x1500, 307.86K)

2 of the soldiers on the left look edited in.

>the holocaust was so secretive that not a single communication was made over the radio waves even after the US cracked the German codes, and no documents exist of Hitler given the order much less even mentioning the systematic murder of jews
>but they brought cameras to take pictures of it in action for record keeping

Attached: deniers.jpg (568x505, 149.68K)

*the holocaust was so secret that the only people that knew about it was Himmler and he's dead, whoopsies

Obviously some died. Millions though? Don't believe it and I never will.

Is that what a gas chamber looks like?

Well that settles it

That's not a holocaust. No gas chambers, no ovens

Yeah and a bunch of the SS and secuirty forces and the Einsatzgruppens, the thousands odlf soldiers that suffered tremendous ptsd from literally shooting hundreds of jews per day....

>Narnia isn't re-

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Ok, so Jews backstab the Liberators from the Nazis but never did anything bad to the Nazis?

Again *Killing Soviet back terrorists isn't the holocaust
>oh but it is

i get it now

Attached: 1595737629564.jpg (531x800, 44.02K)

Oh look it's a blurry photograph of some people being shot, the best evidence yet. Case closed chuds.

If they really wanted to kill all of them, wouldn't it have been way easier to just do this town to town? Dig a big ditch, round them all up, expend one bullet each and then refill the ditch? Instead of building dozens of huge death camps and shipping the jews off to them where they would be interned for years before being killed at complete random off via very inefficient means?

You know that tracks actually, Germans are so fucking retarded. The holocaust was real.

Attached: g2giktx3sma21.jpg (5981x3136, 1.02M)

>No you cannot kill your communist enemies.
Kill yourself kike.

The people in charge of actually killing jews didnt like gas chambers. You could only kill 25-50 persons at a time and it was a messy affair as many would shit, piss and vomit everywhere on the account of the gas.

Those in charge preferred to shoot them into pits. A 10 man team could kill hundreds an hour and mant thousands a day this way.

Over a million jews were killed in this manner in Ukraine alone