Why are neo nazis usually tweakers?

Why are neo nazis usually tweakers?

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Why do brown people move to white countries

They do drugs, go to prison and then join neo nazi gangs to avoid being raped
They being criminals, attract trashy women like pic related

To sell meth.

I honestly can't argue with this. The only thing niggers and Aztec spics can strive for is to sell drugs and pretend they are better than whitey by virtue of strength

>neo-nazis: low IQ
>tweakers: low IQ

Because its an ideology for white trash that can't accomplish shit

Can't hate the Jews when ya snooze

Because you give them free shit you fucking retard

Because feds love recruiting drug addicts

Because ghetto trash white people are the only ones poor enough to HAVE to live near niggers so they get more of it than most of us.

Jewish hands typed this. Kys lampshade.

they're penises are small and don't function so they know the only person who will ever touch it is them so why not? also, hitler had a dirty sanchez shit stain mustache. then he killed himself. lol. lmao even. don't like it? good. fuck you. follow your false god, bitch. kys.

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I'm taking the bait!
> She is fun and sweet and you should wife her racially aware ass before it's too late.
Maybe you can get 5 or 5 stormtroopers out of her yet. .
Don't listen to demoralizing kikes. The most important thing is that you are loved and your role are happy and strong.

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Why do communists cut their genitalia off?

No, that's communism.

Wow, this is a totally organic and not a shill raid thread

Because they live in squalor in close proximity to niggers

Kys zipper tits! Amirite? Lol.

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you're trying too hard

It takes a lot of energy to fight the jews