If you have ANY non-white heritage within the past 200 or so years you are NOT WHITE. Nick Fuentes is NOT WHITE, he's 1/8 SPIC.

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I'd like this guy a lot more if he didn't have such a massive ego. It's annoying

shut up you irish mutt, its not even been 200 years since you have been considered white.

> Fuentes
> Nick Fuentes is NOT WHITE, he's 1/8 SPIC.
Holy shit man you don't say.

Only know about this guy because of destiny the steams were pretty great

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Irish have always been white. What are you? Probably a mutt like Nick the Spic.

OK. I vote for democrats and mass migration then. Your grandkids won't be white either.

Is that really how you want to talk about someone who will be ruling over you?

A surprisingly high amount of people on here think he's white. Plus with Fuentes as a last name you could be white. If you're Spanish.

hitler wasn't white, by this standard
do with that information what you will; but by your standards, nick fuentes is 150% as white as hitler
it's a dumb argument, and you're an idiot to even care, but that's the truth of the matter user
you've also clearly never seen a real spaniard


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sorry i should have said slave you subhuman piece of shit

>hitler wasn't white
Did Hitler have non-European ancestors within 5 or so generations?

Niggerlover nick fuentes is a niggerlover and so are you

Nobody cares wh*toid keep clinging onto the colour of your skin it's the only value you have kek (in this echo chamber), no real life value though a blacks life has more value

it appears that you want white people to be an exceedingly small minority, hence i think you are a blmniggerfaggot

prove me wrong

95% of American Whites have less than 1% Amerindian or African DNA. That translates to over 100 million people in the USA. From these replies the Amerimutt meme is starting to seem accurate. Lots of coping spics here. Pic rel

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yes. half sephardic jewish, ironically, through iberia either from morocco or thebes. even better, it was on his mom's side; and so he could've been a "full jew" by jewish standards if he wanted to be

yeah bullshit. ywnbaw

Violence will spill over the border once CJNG take over a plaza. It’ll give the US government casus belli to launch special operations into Mexico. The entire goblin population will be under surveillance like Muslims after 9/11. Hopefully things spiral out of control from there and goblins reveal themselves to be a fifth column by siding with the cartel. If you think whites hate Mexicans now just wait until then.

You will never be white.

You can still commonly produce blonde hair blue eyed children if you're slightly native American

Based Nick.

probably the single dumbest thing I've read this month.

go get a real job spencer, you're pathetic

No one cares about this irrelevant try hard astroturfed zoomer kike controlled OP who has multiple gay shill threads filled with fake comments from their chat script at all times. These kike parasites desperately want you to pay attention to shabbos and kike “e-celebs” while sliding the board and astroturfing kikes as your leaders. This is just one example of a shill op currently taking place.

>half sephardic jewish
This is some retarded conspiracy theory. Hitler wasn't a jew lol. Spic cope.

based non-bot swarm of flies repellant poster

Causing a lot of mutt cope ITT. Americans on here are really 90% spic it seems.

Okay cool
Remind me why anybody should give a fuck what you think?

>if you dont agree with me you are x
>pic rel

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Are you White by the one drop rule? Tell me your ancestry.

i am 0% anything other than northern european. scottish, swedish, and lowland german but believe whatever you want to believe

>Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

I don't entertain subhuman delusions, nigger. You're not white. Know how I can tell? This thread says everything about you.

Go back to plebbit rookie, you're not ready for us.

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Interesting. Maybe I was wrong. In that case yeah, Hitler wasn't white.

Haplomemes are not even 0,1% of someones dna

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