Can you even imagine if something like this were published in America?

Can you even imagine if something like this were published in America?

Attached: racist children cartoon.png (1828x1972, 2.54M)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Pioneers

Attached: 1662755781447781.jpg (640x443, 88.07K)

Is this show actually intended for kids, or is it a joke?

Attached: Jews - Toffee The Gorilla.webm (480x360, 2.98M)

No clue. Girl in bikini suggests it's aimed at teens, but the weird puppets suggest children. I don't get it.

The robot says, "I took part in the Gulf War. I am a patriot."

KEK holy shit the kikes actually revel in mocking their golems, don't they....

holy shit lol
this can't be for kids

Attached: angry hand.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

There's no distinction. They let their kids consume any media the adults. They're not exactly the "protect the children" type if you know what I mean. It seems odd to be so even with their own children, but they are not humans

>Arad participated in the blog of London Review of Books. Arad was the scriptwriter for the satirical television series Toffee and the Gorilla that aired in 2007 on the private Israeli comedy channel, Bip (channel).[1][9][10] and directed a documentary movie about the death of construction workers in Israel. In September 2020, he notified his editors at Haaretz that he was resigning, following the publication of allegations of sexual misconduct by him. The allegations were made by six women, several of whom were minors at the time of the alleged incidents.

It's satire retards

No, it's an Israeli comedy series meant to satirise Arabic television

It's a fucking cringe old satire

Is Arabic TV regarded as low-budget state propaganda for children?
I know nothing about Arabic television...

Are you not familiar with Farfour's show?'s_Pioneers

knockoff mickey mouse gets murdered by mossad in the final episode

Attached: farfour.jpg (694x545, 49.49K)

Whoa, whao, hold up a second.
Are you saying it's ILLEGAL to sexually harass minors in Israel...??

It's satire.
They're making fun of that kids' show with all the anti-jew disney knockoffs.

>In episode 105 (aired June 22, 2007), Farfour is beaten to death during an interrogation by an Israeli who is trying to acquire the key and title to "Tel al-Rabi", a fictional Palestinian settlement which was occupied by Israelis and renamed to Tel Aviv. Farfour calls him a terrorist and is beaten to death.

Attached: Hearty KEK.jpg (1080x1068, 161.42K)


Toffee is a cunt. Shuki is a nigger.

At first I laughed at the surreal absurdity of this production.

But now I'm thinking about what incredible pain and suffering the Palestinians must have experienced to compel them to make something this dark and strange for children... and then in response, the kikes made "Toffee & Gorilla" to viciously mock this pain of the Palestinians, as they continually exploit them...

This might be one of the biggest blackpills of my life. I was already redpilled on the jews, but... jesus christ. Deep down, they really ARE demons, aren't they.

Attached: image_2022-09-10_142255086.png (640x718, 271.48K)

>Deep down, they really ARE demons, aren't they.
Yes. Just wait until you have dealings with them in real life.

why is she dressed like that?

guess who is the Jew

Arab kids TV is incredibly open about teaching kids to hate Jews and about the nobility of martyrdom for Allah
Caveat is of course
>Memri TV
which is an American/Israeli NGO whose translations have been criticised in the past for exaggerating or misrepresenting the source material to make anti-Zionists look worse

Is there nudes of this slut?