Failed my driver's license test for the 5th time and they are sending me for psychological examination

Failed my driver's license test for the 5th time and they are sending me for psychological examination.

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Just tell the psychologist the truth about what you really think. That should convince them to give you a clear and positive report.

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my neighbor failed it over 20 times. Not even exagerating. The whole town knows about it.

Just accelerate bro holy fucking christ

I'm almost in the same situation kek

tell them you're a scientologist and it's against your religion

I asked, suck dick mutt

are you retarded

I feel you user. JK I passed on my first try, in the RAIN.

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Written or behind the wheel?
I’m sorry to hear that, my stepdad and his family is Italian and none of them are good drivers, although he has only been in one wreck afaik so thank God he’s better than the rest.
Rest of his family literally doesn’t drive, but when he drives sometimes he’s so distracted or nonsensical I think to myself it’s good he doesn’t drink. He’s even been pulled over for that a couple times and the cop was just dumbfounded.
Once he almost drove into a giant ditch but he said he has a sixth sense tell him to stop, probably saved his life. I’m assuming he’s Rh- but I’m not sure. He doesn’t look Italian either, looks like an odd German basically.

How did you turn a drivers license test into a psych eval? You dropped all of that spaghetti at least give us some sauce.

>and they are sending me for psychological examination.
lol did you try to run over someone or what?

you have anxiety or what? slam a beer before you test the next time

LOL thanks for the laugh

You think what you're doing wrong.
You panic about doing something wrong.
>I smack your rear end with a shovel
That fixed your brains.
Now, you just want to know how things work and master all of it in a split second.
>zero stress

bought a car last week but have to park it 2 miles from my flat because there are no parking lots in the city...

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American driving tests be like:
>How do you start the car?
>Eehhhhh... Gas pedal?
>Congrats you pass the test

I hung out with a friend of mine and once we almost got carjacked on the freeway in San Francisco, on Christmas Day. Anyway I asked him if he thought I did the right thing by not stopping and he said definitely. Guy is a far leftie too, but obviously he didn’t want to get shot or whatever. He then said I was probably the best driver he’d ever seen in action.
Always wanted to go to one of those tactical driving schools but at least on that day I got a little taste. Was really fucking scary, not sure if the guy was suicidal or if it was a gang initiation but he was trying to carjack or get hit on a 7 story tall interchange overpass. He reached for the handle but only was able to smack the window so this friend got a really close up look.
Felt like South Africa. My mom and dad are excellent drivers.
And I’m like Rainman, so I’m an excellent driver. Excellent driver.
I even go as far as to stay out of other peoples blind spots and not be next to them incase they swerve. I’ll only be beside another car if I’m passing.
Defensive driving, it can save your life!
Tactical driving, no Langley course required.
>excellent driver


you should kill yourself

Post tits with timestamp or gtfo

They are worse than that. They are required to fail 20% of drivers a day so you might get hit with that bad RNG and they just fail you for the quota.

He's not Spanish though

I failed on my first one because I cut a nigger off on her phone in a Caddy. My instructor even raged, she was like WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT YOU WERE DOING GREAT?
Fuck niggers.

why do you keep failing?g

Your momma says so!
All is wrong, always, no matter what I do!
I must be a failutre in life!

>just, really, grow a pair.
Your momma was wrong, not you.
People around you were wrong, not you.

>bought a car last week
enjoy the 5 euros per liter next year

>Failed my driver's license test for the 5th time and they are sending me for psychological examination.

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>in Germany!
I had two best friends from Germany growing up and their mom, an American who maybe spent 10 years there, would always say “In Germany!” and then tell us about how everything there was different and usually superior. At least once a day. Everything there was better or at least different. This was like 20 years ago.
Now I find myself saying it, even though I’ve only been there once. But it’s usually as a preface to a negative not a positive quality.
>In Germany, we now feel lucky to have Turks because at least they aren’t Kurds!
>In Germany we love Jake Appelbaum but not Julian Assange as he helped usher in a Trumpenreich
>In Germany we have the Chaos Computer Club and it is superior to all other hacker conferences in the world because we are communists
>In Germany, east Germany, one of Assange’s hacker friends in the late 80s iirc was found dismembered in a forest, why? Who knows.

Lol me too, i practiced all summer and it started fucking raining, i forgot how to use the windshield, thought i was fucked at that point but i managed to figure it out while driving with one hand, shit was nervewrecking.


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Ya done goofed

Give stories
How do you fall 5 times?
Just redpill the psychologist, give him everything you've got

Funny meme, can I save it?

i feel for you fren. i passed on my 5th attempt, the whole thing was very stressful for me. i have an anxiety disorder that makes it difficult for me to focus while driving.

Objectively, the one who's in the wrong, is the one who is proven to be wrong.
Wise one, when in the wrong, will immediatelly adjust and adapts.
The dumb persist, even when proven to be wrong.