Redpill me on manlets. Are they at a political and economic disadvantage...

Redpill me on manlets. Are they at a political and economic disadvantage? Extra points if you are an actual manlet and unironically feel at a disadvantage or you're a manlet who has overcome the odds.

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is this chick real, or is it some Russian with filters.

5’11 king of manlets, would sacrifice a couple inches for more charisma and confidence though

5'9 and I don't plan on ever having sex

Below 5'11" is a death sentence in the online dating market. It has been shown in studies that shorter men make less money.

Only disadvantages of being short as fuck are dating and sports. In other areas of life the pros and cons more or less even out.

Cant you just lie?

She's a roastie who hit the wall using teenage filter to fool chuds

If she calls your bluff upon meeting you you could just rape her.

tits that big just beg for cancer.. small tits are so much better

If a roastie is dumb enough to fall for the 6ft meme she isn’t worth having as a girlfriend. Some STD ridden skank on tinder might not give you a chance if you are under 6ft but plenty of good women will. If you are still having issues then it isn’t your height that’s the problem.

yeah true it's not like it can't be done. fuck blackpilled hopelessness. but it is a noticeable disadvantage

6ft 5 chad here imagine being below 6ft 3

what's her name?

coomer insecurity bait slide thread. don't be a fucking idiot and bump dogshit like this

I got you coomers

Have fun

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thanks, my man
not like that cunt upstairs

Good color nips but a tad large.

Women can never accurately assess height. I'm exactly 5'9" but I'm also very thin, which gives the illusion of being taller. I've asked girls to guess how tall I am and most say 6ft or more.

I'm tall by PH standards and it's a fucking huge advantage. Life is easy mode

>t. manlet

Is it true that Pinoys are only short as a joke?

An honest 5 10 is pretty tall. An honest 6 foot is giant. Most girls are 5 2 or so.