Thoughts on transgenderism?

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they are pure evil and want to destroy children and tomboys


It never existed until a jewish psychologist by the name of Magnus Hirshfeld invented sex change surgery and coined the term 'transsexual' in the 20th century

>Thoughts on transgenderism?
Hanging bodies.

Mental Disease turned propaganda.
We need to idealize Squizos instead.

faggots are gay

Under represented in men due to stigma. More men should transition. For example you might see 1 transwoman in 100,000 people but 25% of pol is made up of closet trans these pol users will often rant about different colors of cock, women being whores and trans people.(They want to be the whore they rant about)

>Thoughts on transgenderism?
It's definitely a mental problem, and should be treated as such. Once when I was coming down off LSD I experienced an intense body dysphoria that is similar to what I've rad tans people experience every day. So, if a chemical can induce those feelings in me, then who's to say a chemical can't remedy them in others?

>what I've rad tans
what I've read trans*


their bodies, their rules.

the world needs more female to male transexuals


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Perfectly normal and the science is settled that being a trans individual is perfectly healthy.

Attached: WOW troon.png (1200x674, 1.6M)

Mental Illness and grooming

A satanic ideology.
Pure evil disguised as "progress"
They ruin young lives

Hello. I am a trans woman, age 30, reside in the USA. I can answer all your questions about what being trans is like.

My stats are:

>white, MtF,
>genetically gifted so look good enough to date and be gendered correctly.
>casual boyfriend.
>graduate degree field (law) currently making 110k /year
>pacific northwest city
>all family accepting except mother.

I would say you shouldnt judge us all by reddit troons that don't pass. I am very nice. I love men. And i mean really truly LOVE men in a way most cis women these days do not.

I think a lot of them want a girl so much that they decided to try and become one. In addition, if you’re white you can go from “evil oppressor” to “Cathedral-supported minority hero” just by taking some medicine and forfeiting your ability to reproduce

>Thoughts on transgenderism?
it's for faggots

Transexualism is the idea that men and women can change their gender whenever they want. Some will argue that transexuals are simply "born that way", but that cannot be the case since the core element of transexualism is its "transitioning" process; transexuals never accept what they are, and certainly not what they look like.
Now, this process would not be that big of an issue if it was limited to the realm of personal opinions and to the privacy of one's own bedroom, but the reality is that the process includes several demands from the entirety of society: to accept that the whole field of biology is fictional, to completely change the meaning of common words that have been used since ancient times and to renounce to any religious beliefs that one might hold. Any individual within society who refuses to comply to these demands will be labeled a "transphobe" and persecuted by the online trans mafia: they will first be publicly shamed, then their private personal data will be stolen and leaked, then their employer will be blackmailed into firing them, then they will be erased from all social media, then they will be stalked to their home, assaulted and possibly murdered. By all means and purposes, this is terrorism. This is violence of the highest degree and it MUST be treated as such. Transexuals are waging war against science, against language, against religion, against reproduction and against the very concepts of masculinity and femininity, which used to be at the core of human common sense. They are an enemy of all mankind and must be purged in self-defense.