My gf is begging me to take her to see it while it’s still in the theaters. I haven’t seen a Hollyjew movie in five years so why should I shell out my hard-earned money for this?
Is this movie good or is it woke ZOGbot propaganda?
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i liked it
It was good.
pretty lame, very 'phoned in"
none of charm of original
Pretty much completely free from Jew propaganda
It’s both, though the action is a bit corny for my taste
No swords, no dragons, no bumsex, very few strong and brave POC leading the white man down the right path
1/10 boomerslop
It's basically 80s/90s values. It doesn't try to make you feel guilty for being white but it is pro america.
You sound like your woman is incredibly lucky to have found you…
It was good. Kinda gay though. There are moments where friends look a little too longingly into eachother eyes. Other than that some kino action.
Woman pilot
Therefore pozzed
the audio is great
The plot is like something out of Ace Combat. A friend of mine summed it up perfectly it's like a benefit match for Tom Cruise.
Any way you look at it the original is much better in every aspect.
There was homoerotic shit in the first one tho. The volleyball scene was gay af lol
I watched it.
By no means a great movie in absolute terms, but compared to the shit they pump out these days it was a masterpiece
It's hardly even worth going to the movies anymore. They don't make anything cool anymore like alien or dumb and dumber - it's all just a rehash of the old stuff and also fuck capeshit
>poc female fighter pilots
>free from zog
Pick one and only one.
the cast is pretty diverse and jennifer connelly is absolutely WALLED and so fucking smug, i hate her
otherwise it was good for a current year movie
See this is a generation gap. The volleyball scene was very masculine for its time. Nothing gay about it at all.
>Woman pilot
They did that kind of thing in the 90s too, they were diverse without painting whites as evil.
>Nothing gay about it at all.
I bet you didn't even cum
Read the definition of Phoned In you fucking retard. The actors are actually in Fighter Jets pulling mach numbers and orchestrating all their lighting and direction themselves. It is the least phoned in movie possibly ever.
Its also 10/10. If you don’t like this movie: garaunteed you can’t name 5 warplanes and piss sitting down. Best seen in 4dx.
Correct, it's 100% heterosexual:
>talks shit about Jennifer Connelly
Go back to fucking kangaroos in the outback, Bruce. She is a goddess
It's good. A couple of token characters but it didn't make s difference. Far from woke. Felt good so watched it twice.
movie sucked BAD
"real jets" was gimmick
it was fagged up woke knock of Star Wars attack on Death Star, but not cool.
Original TG was almost all true facts and realistic
You guys are just newfag millennials. I'm not as old as a boomer but I'm gen x like the actors and I remember the times and the context of the movies in that era. There wasn't anything homo about it. It was just a bunch of dude bros who said: "don't be fat, be good looking, fuck chicks"
That's really all it was.
I wasn't being sarcastic, it is 100% heterosexual. Whoever says it's homo is either a zoomer and or a fatass.
If you've never been in shape when you were young and played sports with your buddies, how could you possibly relate to the scene?
Buy a fucking ad, Tom
It's Kiked af. When Tom goes up in the 'dark star' it's symbolic of the death of the White man.