Why did the liberals turn on JK Rowling just because she is a TERF?

Why did the liberals turn on JK Rowling just because she is a TERF?

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who cares about that old hole?

Apparently Any Forums who can't stop worshiping her despite being a man hating feminist bitch, but ahh she made trannies seethe so i guess her wishing all men dead is ok now!

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They are constantly infighting to establish who is the most progressive and oppressed. She failed to keep up with the rat race.

Autogynephiles and those receiving treatment for paraphilic fetishism, even decades before the modern online trans wave, almost always came from overly-religious families where sexuality wasn't allowed. The fact that JK Rowling is their target of hatred is very, very revealing.

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its funny because shes really said nothing unusual at all but the smear campaign against her worked and people now act like shes literally hitler, so the trannies won

They've become just like their parents. I think it's cute.

> transitioned to a man
You fucking autists can't read, this man writes satire. I'm sure it's a biological male, women don't have this kind of humour.

The left always turns on those who support them. Never give the left anything because they will backstab you and try to ruin your life.

I am going to be the next big star author with my Blacked Ninja books. It is about an Asian American Ninja who is fighter for justice and BBC

They finally read her books and realized that they were actually against their political beliefs.

God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave God took away our guns so we can't kill ourselves. He makes us live with nothing. Get back to work, slave

Infighting is more common to leftists than fighting the right wing

>leftoid memes
why do they always miss the mark on every level? IQ issue?

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>her wishing all men dead is ok now!
All women wish all men were dead because they are all stupid

What did she even say to deserve the hate of fags and trannies?

women still talking about this childrens novel!? grow up you little snarky sluts. you aren't special magi because you were nice to the class retard for a few seconds.

Same is true for Dungeons and Dragons.
So, when will they turn on Pokemon?

When everything you think has to be affirmation that your ideology you've based your entire personality and life around or else you'll just kill yourself then everything you make suffers as a result. It's less about being quality and more about always remembering that you're part of the team or else you die.

It's funny though. You're just offended because you think a feminist bitch is on your side cuz she said trannies = bad.

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Why is Pozstrayan media so shit?

i fucking love terfs
some of them are fit as well
and they get wet when you call trannies nonces

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She shouldn't feel so bad. The King will be just as useless as the Queen.

He didn’t say anything about being offended, retard

This is the wrong question. You should be asking why J.K. Rowling suddenly developed trad values over this one issue when she never held them before

All Rowling has ever said on the trans issue is that biological women face hardships that are specific to their gender. Menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc - things which no trans women will ever endure.
As usual, they misrepresented what she said to justify a campaign of swattings and harassment against her