Britain: Schoolgirl missing

What happened to her?

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Muzzie or nigger

Post a link you dumb rotten nigger

Two Kebabs please.

turned into kebab

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Pakis are destroying her twat and bumhole as we speak. Probably they will behead her.


Sorry for your loss.

I dont know user, why dont you stop jerkin my gerkin and give us the coordinates already

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12 going on 30

When it turns out to be a white guy you will have to go eat your own shit

it says Birmingham

Sage don’t fucking care glownigger

Probably a Muzzie or Nigger.

>whites don't exist in Birmingham

What white guy? hahah

What's that dot between running and an?
Can some Qtard appease tell me its secretly advertising her availability for elites to run a train on.

uuuuhh yea.

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her parents shouldn't have said the n-word

Raped by pakis, next?

Whites are the most unhinged and brutal people in the world. The highest incidence of serial killers, white. The only people to start world wars, white. The only people to nuke cities, white. Even jack the ripper was white. Nothing new

They all left to get away from nigger Pakis.
>t. Know several Brummies

she looks 20+

This is actually pretty sad.

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White Europeans are the purveyors of civilization. Pakistan is a shithole meme theocratic nightmare of a country. There are more unhinged Paki scoundrels and terrorists than Jack the Rippers in the West. Cope harder, you fucking scumbag.

Most mass murders are committed by blacks. Quite listening to Jews.

Yet it will be revealed that the kidnapper/bf was white. It is libel against pakis that we have "raped" any girl in the UK.

Shouldn’t have called them pakis

>links to Birmingham
Takin bets now lads

Check the local paki shop

You must be new here.

Who has nuked Japan?
Who has regular fag pride parades in their countries?
Who has puberty blockers in their countries?
Who has child troon surgeries in their countries?
Purveyors of faggotry, that's what whites are. Thanks for being the spear that pushes globohomo on the world and for ruining everything that is good and decent