Do you think the AAA game industry will collapse soon? Look at how many flops they're having. Not even recouping their budget. Personally I'll take something like project zomboid over any of their soulless garbage any day.
Do you think the AAA game industry will collapse soon? Look at how many flops they're having...
Not for a while, there's still way too much money being moved by major studios
I pray for their collapse though
>project zomboid
based, I was addicted to this game for about a month
AAA games have sucked for years.
Who the fuck is going to pay 70 bucks plus DLC plus season passes plus whatever bullshit dresses your weapon up?
No, because entertainment vectors are being propped up by International Jewry. That they are profitable isn't really of importance, so unfortunately, the free market has been subverted and won't be allowed to take its course.
I'm told the new Saints Row has been a complete shit show and shows no signs of being able to recoup its budget
Yes. All the games are woke trash these day. If I do play a games now its usually old games from the days before DLC jewry was widespread.
Someone told me that the reason we keep getting so many woke shows even though the shows cause a financial loss is because there is hidden money from Soros Etc exchanging hands to insert those messages into the show, and so how much it makes from the actual audience is irrelevant, the real profit came from Jewish money printing behind the scenes handed to the production company
>Not even recouping their budget.
LMFAO who the fuck told you this?
Go and look up the last quarterly report for any of the AAA studio publishers you claim aren't recouping their development budgets.
If you think a handful of whiny fucktard man children whining about the latest woke garbage are in anyway indicative of reality you're sadly mistaken.
The gaming industry has been shit for almost two decades and it's more profitable than ever.
Many of which are just interactive movies with no replay value, you beat the story mode and that's it.
High on Life looks ok.
honestly, the woke globohomo agenda has forced itself into most aspects of videogames, I feel that devs will jump ship to indie studios who care about creative freedoms.
How does it compare to CDDA? I've spent a month every year or so addicted to it, only to end up walking away as every successful run always ends the same.
>Survive initial start, build skills and gather resources, branch into automobiles, shack up somewhere and build a sweet RV, roam the world for upgrades and weapons/ammo, get a bunch of cybernetics installed, nothing left to do but explore and die by being stupid.
No, because like most other aspects of the "entertainment" industry, it's subsidized by ZOG elements who manipulate it to push a social agenda. You're meant to be demoralized by all the IRL shitposting Jews do with their money. Is it working?
The car graphics in cdda crack me up
two things will happen to AAA: first, AI code-assist will no-code 85% of software development and turn it into no-code; second, studios will diverge into pools of 85% woke ai-augmented development/bugfix and 15% actual engine and development work. this is typical for teams in tech anyway and very likely AAA studios will be relegated to bugfix, support, distribution, publishing, issue tracker type workflow going forward.
basically AAA is fucked. the billion dollar valuations are smoke and the fire is their balance sheets.
Zomboid is like the exception not the rule. mf was in early access hell for soooo long, like I deadass saw early versions of this game when I was in middle school.
I want to make a gaming group for NEETS, for people who work shit jobs like fast food or retail, people that generally make 35k or below to play vidya with, not be judged by office wagies and normies. A place for us low-down brothers to have fun without upsetting some redditor snowflake or grrl gaymur and her office wagie simps.
I'm a relatively large youtuber (as far as views per month goes.) who wants to foster a gaming community full of people who live in a first world English speaking country, and fill it with STRAIGHT MEN only who are on the lower end of society. I don't mean drug abusers, alcoholics, or criminals. I mean people who had unfortunate upbringings, who can't get good educations or who don't have connections to high paying jobs. People who have been on the low rung, the lower caste, of society their entire lives and are sick of trying to integrate or fit in with normie guilds only to be judged by their peers for being poor or not having the same mental frequency of those who grew up in nice households, who went to nice schools, who lived normal and happy lives.
I want to bring us low down brothers together so that we can have fun at their expense. So we can grief, troll, and torment normies, girl gamers, and office wagies in all manner of multiplayer games.
Like I said I'm a youtuber with a decent sized audience but unfortunately for us I can't really leverage it on that platform due to it breaking the discrimination rule. So I wanted to run this idea by you guys and see what you think.
I know there's not really a way to prove that you make under 35k, but think about it. An army of NEETS who can openly be themselves and let their hatred flow against those that would scorn us IRL would be amazing. We could also unify and help each other. We would fit in well with each other, while we make the normies seethe at our in-game trolling. What do you think?
Imagine, a community where you can say whatever you want, hate whatever you want, not have your freedom of speech inhibited, where you can feed your sadistic desires and have bros backing you up helping you achieve sadistic goals. A group, a tribe of true friends who aren't compelled by virtual greed, who won't backstab you over a gear drop in an MMO, who won't in-fight cause they view you as a lesser "creature."
Imagine having friends at your back, friends, true friends, not office wagies playing a video game and viewing their fellow guild mate as a "co-worker." Imagine all the times you've been kicked from guilds because they viewed you as a "cog in a machine" and not as a friend. Remember all the times your guildies mistreated you because you don't have fancy office jobs like them. Remember all the times when these guilds only viewed you as an "asset" or a "liability" like office wagies tend to do.
After 20+ years of dealing with shitty guilds I think I've cracked the code. It's simple. No fags, no girls, no trannies, no one that makes more than 35k a year, no nigs, no third worlders, no people that speak multiple languages, no degenerate criminal drug abusing tatt'd up freaks, no fuckhead tryharding tourneyfags that think kda and w/l ratios or "gearscore" are all that matter.
No, we're gonna be a low income community of BASED AND REDPILLED LADS that will support each other. I can teach you, teach you all, the inner workings of jewtube and how to kike out shitty jewtube videos to make that 30k a year if you truly need it with literally less than 15 minutes of effort per video. I will teach you how to build your body, how to get pussy, and how to not give a fuck if women reject you. I will save you, and all that I ask in return, is to make people angry in video games over the internet with me.
Unironically sounds decent
Couldnt wait to get gta 5 but fuck gta 6 already
Vanilla zomboid has no cybernetics or any sci-fi stuff
They will collapse from their own retardation
By producing games that are heavy on the hardware they cut down their own customers
Nobody can afford a 30k pc just to play childish gaymes on it anymore.. plus 100 more per every game
Theres a reason shitty miniclip tier game like 'Among Us' grossed more then majority of AAAs combined - availability
>Do you think the AAA game industry will collapse soon?
AAA collapsed years ago man. E3 is gone and big name corporations are throwing everything they can at the wall to keep up with glorified mods like Fortnite.