what’s Any Forums favorite beer-liquor? personally, i like coronas
What’s Any Forums favorite beer-liquor? personally, i like coronas
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I hate alcohol except after I drink it.
Peebers in the big cans.
Nothing. Alcohol is a poison and makes you weak. I wasted too much of my life on that shit.
If I'm feeling like spoiling myself.
Corona is the good shit
The little coronita half sized or whatever once are nice too for goin on a drive
Alcohol is for degenerates.
I rarely drink, but on a hot summer day a chilly can of Miller Genuine Draft is pretty refreshing.
Alcohol is terrible for you and the people around you.
Drug use shouldn't be encouraged.
Corona. Miller lite is good alt
beer makes me sleepy and sad. i only drink high-quality spiced rum now. it gets me in a good mood and i get super energetic.
Faggot. Drink a full while driving
>there are actually people delusional enough to think different alcoholics drinks have different effects
Put the drink down and read a chemistry textbook
Cringe, tastes like the little italian man on the logo pissed in the bottle.
Fucking nigger, my road soda is the 40oz familiar. Dont be a binch.
>personally, i like coronas
I used to. But last few years iv found they are watering the beer down more. The last 10-20% just tastes like water with alcohol in it and it makes me gag.
>Spic likes spic drink
I enjoy wheat beers, smooth and non offensive taste that goes good with the shitty food I like to eat
i like gin
Different alcoholic drinks have other addictives which after being processed by your body, have detriments. Sure , all alcohol is the same when processed by the liver, but other shit they add in to various spirits and beers/wines, arent. That does affect how it makes you feel.
have you considered that maybe it's the alcohol % and the amount you drink, instead of the chemical composition...? you know, the "i ate too much candy and feel sick to my stomach" effect?
I'll take a guess that he feels more energetic from drinking rum because of all the fucking sugar in it.
Absinthe is not different unless you drink a fuckton of it to get the effects of the wormwood. Don't be an autismo.
>it's not different except for the fact that it is
The active ingredient is alcohol. There is no other psychoactive ingredient in beer wine and common spirits.
It's a common misconception.
PBR is for mega fatties.
god thats unhealthy beer.
You can defend your ego but you can't defend your argument.
Absinthe is an alcoholic beverage that specifically will have a different affect relative to other alcoholic beverages. Take your L and choke on it, faggot.
Oops, forgot pic. Im drunk and retarded right now.
German pilsners.
So is that Japanese cartoon shit and video games
It's the same single active ingredient.
Yeungling for me
i bet you smoke copius amounts of dope, alcohol has been used for thousands of years by white men its not poison
>someone argues that various alcoholic drinks don't have wildly different effects
you're clinically retarded. holy shit our country has lost all capacity for critical thinking.
An English pub ale in a Samuel Adams glass. Confused buddy?
I drink only dairy kefir and wash my body in lemon oil.
cool man well since you're not convincing at all imma just head out and pretend you didn't sperg at me.
Jack Daniels
There is a slight difference due to conentration, cogeners (?), Sugar, etc
Those are good, too.
Nigger do you know how to read? Im not talking about psychoactive compounds thay can cross the blood brain barrier. Why don't you just fucking drink 99% isopropyl alcohol then? Because it has other shit in it that will damage your body. Other spirits have other shit in them besides alcohol that damage your body, and make you feel bad i.e. more hungover, or more heavier feeling, etc. Alcohol is alcohol, im agreeing w you, but its asinine to not recognize the other compounds also in the spirits that do indeed have effects, although maybe not psychoacively.
Consider posts as information to improve your knowledge, rather than arguments to be won with fringe case examples.
Corona sucks. All Mexican beer is total shit and devoid of alcohol. Listen to me now and believe me later. Bud Light Platinum and old school Hamm's beer are excellent American beers. Fuck all that gay zoomer organic seltzer shit
Bud Ice 16oz
Pic related its cheap and makes me say incredibly based things at family gatherings
Autistic people and those who watch Japanese cartoons should be shot
This. I can't find any in spic infested New Mexico
99% isopropyl alcohol is not a common alcoholic drink, you're using a strawman argument.
Instead of trying to win arguments to protect your previous assumption, accept the new information and go from there.
Tsingtao or Kirin. Corona is the better of the piss beers tho, I’ll give you that. Regular Bidweiser is great too. Lite beers can go fuck themselves. Old Rasputin is the best stout. It’s great as a starter for a pack of lagers.