Why do hot girls have gay slaves? What is the biological reason for this?

Why do hot girls have gay slaves? What is the biological reason for this?

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Women love venting and gossiping as men love masturbating.

Faggots do nothing but drugs and go to sex parties and girls are whores

same reason girls like horses. It's all about control.

Gays have big dicks?

need to have a gay PC culture approved decoy for when youre up and about around the city, cant just go hit up the perfume store with the nigger crackhead you fuck

They don't. That's just hollywood trying to brainwash women into thinking gay men are their pets, "omg having a gay BFF is THE BEST he exists only to say "YOU GO GUURL!"".

Women tend to get ridiculously disappointed when they find out gay men irl don't give women the time of the day and we're not their purse chihuahuas.

You freaks seriously need to stop watching hollywood.

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women have a natural "tribe building" instinct and gay guys are the ideal orbiter because they don't have to maintain the charade of potential sex to keep them around.

Every modern day girl friend group that isn’t ugly has at least 1 gay slave. Cope.

you need therapy.

Gay therapy.

They don't. Again, stop watching Hollywood movies. In real life women don't have a "gay bff yay!".

You're not even gay so I have no idea why not only you try to pretend it happens but why you're so obsessed with it. Are you trying to pull yet another hollywood movie trope in which you're gonna larp as gay so women let you near them?

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this, plus gay males will tell her the truth over straight males, as such she trusts them and surrounds herself with them

women will try to take advantage of literally any man they come in contact with, in any way possible. whether he's gay or straight is a false dichotomy. the only thing they care about is what you can do for them. it's in their biology to be such filthy parasites.

someone's never left the third world

I know multiple separate girl friend groups from college that have collected their own unique gay slaves. Again, it is a very common phenomena and am curious why it exists.

Looking at how you're american I assume you're talking about yourself.

It's not common phenomenon and your fantasies of gay men being slaves to women is creepy and gross. I'm sorry gay men don't like women but for you to make fantasies of gay men loving bleeding front holes and worshiping women is beyond pathetic. Kill yourself.

Attached: CUte kissy.gif (500x368, 1.99M)

Where did her freckles go?

Imagine the smell

You're posting gifs of dudes kissing and you're advising people to kill themselves. No seriously. You.

Are you implying gay men are suicidal despite the fact you str8 trash kill yourselves every monday and come to Any Forums to whine non stop about how depressed, lonely and miserable you guys are?

Gay men are happy. I'm sorry you str8 trash will never know happiness, or love, or real sex. All you freaks know is suicide, depression, cuckolding, divorce rapes and school shootings. So yes, I am going to keep telling you to kill yourselves, and I know you will do it.

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Kill yourself

>gay man are happy

We are.

Are you str8 men happy? Because all I see you do is complain about women, get divorced, go to jail over fake rape accusations, whine on Any Forums about minorities, blame the jews when women are whores, murder your wives and children and that's if you even get those because most of you are suicidal sexless incels.

But by all means prove me wrong, prove to me how happy you str8 men are.

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So you can't prove me wrong? Thought so.

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>Because all I see you do is complain about women, get divorced, go to jail over fake rape accusations
true. women are disgusting. being gay is based tbf. only problem is its super haram.

>only problem is its super haram.

Then don't be a whore and get yourself a husband.

Attached: Str8 men will never know love.webm (360x640, 1.09M)

my best bet is to marry a trans woman. i know it's still a man on the inside but looks like a woman so i can find my way around it being a sin kek.

Do you know where the term faggot comes from? Strong, straight men used to be able to torture and burn worthless humans like yourself alive. Be grateful to share the air you breathe with us.

Thats a hollywood trope, they *do* have beta orbiters though however if movies showed that it would be a bit too brutal, showing the exploitative natue of women.

i honestly wish i could be gay so i'd never have to deal with female bullshit again. unfortunately the whole gay sex thing is repulsive to me

it is a healthy reciprocal relationship. faggots are traditionally bullied and easy targets so if they group with girls and become accepted there it is less likely they will get ostracized by the males and or otherwised messed with. for the woman it provides (used to before faggot culture) a safe way to learn about men and can serve as cover for her should she ever need a boy interest stand in. i personally find it cute.

Yes, these gay slaves serve an important purpose for women. To begin, women, by nature, like to believe themselves to be kind, tender, and generally higher in morality than men. This is because they all inherently have a higher degree of narcissism compared to men, even if the opposite seems true. This paradox stems from the fact that women are often silently narcissistic in public settings.
However, within every woman is the same cruelty and scathing energy that men more often display publicly. In fact, their's is less tempered and matured, because they never had it beaten out of them through inherent male competition like men do. Anyway, they need to release this pleasurable hatred, but cannot do so simply in the company of fellow women. Such an act is seen as an overstepping of women's standard mannerisms, and would lead to a degradation in value for any woman who instigates it.
So, they need a gay slave. The gay slave, no matter how effeminate they may seem, has the same standard masculine routines as any man. They have more testosterone, after all. As a result, they will not restrain themselves when speaking negatively or critically around women, and, as mentioned previously, women desire to speak in such a manner. Thus, the gay slave serves an important role of being with women but never a true part of the women's hierarchy. He instigates and releases feminine cruelty among the group of women who own him. In return, he receives protection and stokes his own ego, which, in some ways, is the most narcissistic of them all.