For people who are still confused at the current state of the world:

For people who are still confused at the current state of the world:

-At some point, possibly years ago, Biden was placed under arrest. So was Pelosi. Much, but not all, of what is happening is staged.

-In a nutshell, using their unprecedented surveillance system, the NS_A uncovered a cabal of a wealthy elite group shaping the US to their economic needs behind the scenes. This group is of literally unimaginable evil, unknown in modern history. Before you call BS, read on..

-Almost everything going wrong with the world today (globalism, LGBT fetishization, disappearance of middle class, loans, even feminism) was done deliberately by the cabal. Their goal was to remove anything that can threaten their power and make people weak and dependent. They have been moving to enact a New World Order for decades - a single government world wide under their control (though they already had under control the most important parts of many governments by installing top leaders).

-Btw these same people did JFK. Yet this is just a small footnote in their literally unbelievable evil of crimes against humanity. George H W Bush was documented in Dallas the day JFK died and was rewarded with the presidency. Gerald Ford was also a key member of the Warren Commission and later became president as a reward.

-Pelosi laptop, Weiner laptop, and Hunter Biden laptops being found was fake. The evidence is real, but it was placed on blank laptops by these people. Same for Epstein flight logs, which were forged after the fact but accurate. They obtained the data for all using the above surveillance system.

-Biden is not even in the White House. It was moved to Mar-a-Lago in 2019.

-These are very heavy truths. People have been manipulated badly and steered into fake lifestyles and ideologies, even whole wars (Iraq). They put mocking references out to the public of what they were doing in movies like Matrix and Truman Show. The next 8 years will lead to many mental breakdowns.

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This is all true and accurate, my sources confirmed

you need to condense you posts into two, maybe three succinct paragraphs, or else nobody on this board is gonna read it.

Can you post anything that can be independently verified that would substantiate any of these claims?

Chew you havisfaction a singlicious satisfact to snack that up?

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That's just you and the other non-white imbeciles. He does, however need to stop being a schizo-boomer

I'm not gonna say how I know this, but the group you are talking about are the top of 5eyes. INB4 this post gets removed.

I read it


Based Candy Poster

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Follow the money. It's just a tiny few billionaires and families at the top pulling the strings. (Trillionaires, actually, but you won't read their real net worth on CNN).

Parts of top level intelligence agencies were infiltrated to become their police force. Since even if you have all the money in the world, power needs physical mechanisms of control.

yes master, speculum my arse wider so the poop may flow!

Ok, if they had proof. Why under trump, did they not mass arrest.
Because of that choice not to. Biden is wrecking our economy. All of the food processing plants destroyed.

Many food processing plants destroyed, like what was the goal of a secret... i dont even know... secret disarm of the elite?

>-Biden is not even in the White House. It was moved to Mar-a-Lago in 2019.
that explains the raid

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Ok what happened to make the white house move in 2019

>Ok what happened to make the white house move in 2019
Trump declassified it.

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What did he declassify

I am so fucking sick of retards.

Makes sense to me.

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the candyman cometh
he cometh for the turbo Jew
he will not be denied

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