"Sleepy Joe" just single handedly destroyed the MAGA movement lmao

"Sleepy Joe" just single handedly destroyed the MAGA movement lmao

Attached: biden.jpg (1328x1022, 253.83K)

Good thing those 6/10 are vaccinated and not long for this world

Hillary has a 99.9999999% change of winning.


Next calculate how many world wide now recognize Biden as a threat to freedom and world peace

I am surprised that many Salon staffers aren’t rabidly anti-Trump

So did Zion Don.

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Lol. Yes I totally believe what salon is saying.

2 weeks!

christ you're stupid.

> nearly six out of 10
So like, half the country? Everyone knew that

If Salooney says so.

All MAGAs goin' down in 2 moar weeks


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>"Sleepy Joe" just single handedly destroyed the MAGA movement lmao
Nice election rigging pretext. I also hear that abortion is what will turn voters blue everywhere.

>help wake people up
Well no shit, they were listening to Biden speech

slay booster bros

digits confirm chuds slayed again

Im jealous to be honest, I wish Trump was half the authotarian that biden is.

Calling 100% registered democrats and pretending they represent most Americans is stupid.

Same people who said HRC had a 98% chance of winning.

No one even tuned in to watch that shitty speech yet somehow it transformed America. Get the fuck outta here with that gay and fake bullshit.
