Stonetoss is a Nazi
Stonetoss is a Nazi
i dont get it
I absolutely hate niggers
There's nothing TO get but bigotry
I see the amogus.
amogus left lapel of right soldier.
yes im also a nazi probably
i also dont like non whites
Now look behind the soldier
Probably a bad guy!
Based mom, lmao
are you implying a jogger, sir?
yes, whites not having children literally is the end of western civilization.
and at least try to use the same font.
use the same font and dont make the line thickness so random
bro no matter what you are or what you believe in
as long as you hate jews you are welcome here
Stopped following stonecommie after yesterday's comic, then made fun of the Queen's death
I honestly don't get this posters edits either hes retarded or they are too esoteric and he has made multiple threads
>wow this is racist trash
Nice meme you fucking 80 IQ retard
I know this is an edit created by a faggot or tranny, pardon the redundancy, because it doesn't make any fucking sense
If all mothers were like that we wouldn't have too many problems
what's the original?