Buy Rice, Potatoes, and canned goods

Buy Rice, Potatoes, and canned goods.

N O W!

Attached: vatican.png (1261x1216, 924.5K)

Well, so this will be the first Pope that [is gonna get] suicided.

cuantos Papas tenes bazuca?

suicided by revolutionary crowd, so sad!

potatoes don't keep

The Pope is based. Submit to Rome.

make pic related the Pope and I will submit happily

Attached: 1656100039910.png (636x627, 230.1K)

Wrong. Dehydrated potato flakes do.

I've been stocking up for months now, dried food is better than canned food btw.

next Pope will be from near Rome

>Cardinal Girlsname

first dissolving the order of malta now this?

Sarah is a beautiful name. If you weren't a homosexual Guitar Center sales rep, you'd know this.

he reorganized it not dissolved

it sounds like they're securing assets and it could be for a lot of reasons

>it could be for a lot of reasons
probably God subconsciously telling him s about to htf

no, that was JPI, and im sure some other popes before him as well, especially during the middle ages

It’s the jews and satan telling the pope stuff. Or did you miss out on the chrislam thing he’s doing?

>september 30th

mostly 200-1000AD
that's why i said subconsciously, SHTF soon and it's better that the Vatican's money is at home

You have no idea how many popes have died under mysterious circumstances or were openly assassinated.

great reset soon?

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there's not much if anything subconscious about his job right? when the vatican pull their assets and hide it you might be better watch closely, anyway it's getting cold

The Pope is a traitor to the Catholic church and Christ himself

i don't even think the Pope realize/knows/believes how deep in danger the whole world is right now

I do think the timing with the queen death is pretty telling don't you think? What could they knows that we don't.