I finally cracked the UA-RU Any Forums code

I've seen anons argue that Russia = Any Forums, Ukraine = R*ddit. But that's obviously false if you spend more than a few minutes browsing /chug/ and /uhg/. Both threads have Any Forums culture of posting.
So, what's the difference you might ask? It's simple, there's only one group of people, besides actual Russians, that would cheer an aggressor that invaded a white country, that is sending hordes of mudslimes and mongols to rape and pillage and here's the answer:

Russia: literal niggers and shitskins
Ukraine: white people

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yeah, turk rape babies with 30 jews /100 inhabitants are white

>Any Forums culture
>doesn't mention jews
Try again schlomo.
Actual Any Forums culture doesn't give a fuck about either side.

Dont actual Islamists fight on Ukrainian side against "domesticated" Kadyrov Chechens ? Didnt Ukrainians support Chechens in the 90s against Russia ?

Why are you so fucking retarded? Why are you hiding behind a memeflag?

>a fucking meme flag

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That is indeed the point of the OP, user


>Russia: literal niggers and shitskins
glad your finally seeing the truth user. there are actually some white russians, but they are been heavily propagandized against themselves and somehow have been lead to think putting Islamo-Eurasian interests over their own peoples interests is somehow favorable. they can be saved but it wont be easy. Most of russian supporters are pure anti-white ideologues. even some who are basically white like Dugan, think somehow they will be saved because their country has some asians in it. very strange.

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>actual Islamists fight on Ukrainian side against "domesticated" Kadyrov Chechens
basically. both chechen groups are probably devout muslims. Turkey surprisingly has stayed very neutral, but other islamic factions like Iran, Syria and more have full heartedly supported Russia.

Neither Russia or Ukraine are "white".
Also neither are saviors of the white Race.
Ukraine is a close ally of Israel and half of AZOV where jews.
Meanwhile Russia is very pro-Islam and is a melting pot of Slavs, scandinavians mongolians, turks, manchus, and arabs.

>half of AZOV where jews.
it wasnt that much retard. it was like 5% at most,

Any Forums doesn't give a fuck because Any Forums isn't a person you dumb nigger

>probably devout muslims
It's kinda a mute point, it's not like there is a nice secular/modern branch of Islam around. They are mostly sub 90 IQ inbred retards who barely understand there own religion. Islam is designed to vigorously force religious compliance, so it's very hard to find a meaningful group of "non-devout muslims"


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>Ukraine: white people

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Nobody gives a shit about this anymore. Only glowniggers post about it

Many Ukrainians in Canada they ran from the murderous Jews. They were the intelligent ones. Today Ukraine is filled with fucking morons too stupid to realize they are tools of the Jews

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