Why do so many men have gyno nowadays?

Are we being poisoned?

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Turns out all the goyslop we grew up with was bad for us. But hey, at least we saved a couple pennies by using estrogen filler ingredients.

>30+ bmi
>man tits
yea stop eating the fucking goy slop.

>genetic losers of the world gather on Any Forums
>common symptom of these losers is their man tits
>wHy dO sO mAny mEN hAvE gyNO nOwaDAys???

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Estrogen from birth control in the water supply, animals like dairy cows being treated with estrogen to increase milk production.

Its in the food and the water.

it's the polyunsaturated fats from the seed oils

I like my tits


This is why I unironically use Alex Jones' favorite Berkey water filter on all of our tap water.

weird flex, from a bunch of degenerates counting zippertits and looney troons among them

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mine are from s o y oil, goyslop, finasteride, antipsychotics and some say jerking off.

Low test


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That’s a mexican. They eat plastic

why do you even ask?
those who know already know, what you should care about the most is action.

> Are we being poisoned?

No shit.

Sucks you can't get rid of breast tissue, I was chubby during my teenage years, lost a bunch of weight, and then my tits didn't shrink at all so I went back up in weight to look normal until I could afford to have them removed surgically.

what did he debunk exactly? they have been undeniably proven to be poisonous

High sugar goyslop diet and no physical activity

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Most guys played outside as kids and/or played sports and that number is declining significantly each year. Kids sitting at home on their phones or computers.

That and more reliance on take out and uber eats with lots of unhealthy chemicals, sugar, and corn syrup.

Should be of zero surprise. WALL-E coming.

>genetic losers of the world gather on Any Forums
I've been wondering why you and your troon army have been gathering here myself

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if you followed the food pyramid that everyone learns as a kid then you should not be having problems

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You need reverse osmosis to properly remove phthalates, hormones, and pharmaceuticals from your water. Filters and charcoal do a lot, but reverse osmosis shuts the door on these chemicals like nothing else does.

it's a youtube link. probably just some cool fried zoomer.

>Eats ice cream everyday
>eats pizza everyday
>eats fast food everyday
>drinks alcohol everyday
>smokes weed everyday
>never touches a barbel

Are We beInG poIsneD?!?!? Im SoOooo SurPrisEd i haVe biTch tiTs How CouLd tHis hAppeN

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This thread has been moved to /goyslop general

>be me
>go to public school
>eat what they give you
>find out later they use the same companies as the prison system
>find out the company makes their food as cheap as possible
>find out its mostly filler
>find out almost all food these days its filler and onions

theres estrogen in every plastic bottle

all he has said is that the "experts" are promoting this stuff and that he's not an expert
it's complete nonsense. then he just cites a few flawed mega-studies
the actual experiments show it to be acutely poisonous and correspond to multiple health issues

PUFA = estrogenic and lowers T

some better info:

>Fish Oil Toxicity

>Errors in Nutrition: Essential Fatty Acids

>Dietary Fats, Temperature, and Your Body

>The Great Fish Oil Experiment

>PUFA, Fish Oil, and Alzheimers

Factory food. You vill be a troon.


Lift, eat normal foods, take calcium-magnesium-zinc supplements.

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>(((Food pyramid)))
>40% (((carbs)))

The food pyramid is what got us into this disaster.

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>40% of the diet as peasant feed (grains)

Sneed's seeds in the food. Grass fed beef, healthy oils and good carbs. Cook your own food. Goyslop is abundant because women don't know how to cook and are busy working for the shekels.


This food pyramid is wrong. Swap protein and carb row.

>corn is a vegetable


>unwrap all our food from the plastic its kept in
>find out plastic leeches psuedoestrogen into the food
>find out fucking everything is covered in plastic
>put plastic microwave safe tupperware into microwave
>even more pseudoestrogens leechs into food now

game was rigged from the start user.

IPA's, weed, microplastics, onions, Shekelstein being more demanding of his employees, which consequently causes them more stress (this increases cortisol) and worsens their sleep (leads to decreased test levels).

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Fatfucks too lazy to do bench press + pull ups and unironically drink sugar beverages

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Cool it with anti-semitism

Where do you think weirdos like picture related come from? He's actually a victim of poisoned food and water, like all troons are. This is what the elites want for the average white man, they want you to become picture related. He fell victim to the excreted estrogen from birth control pills that exist in water supplies, and he wants everyone else to take the same poison in their bathtub water because he can never change what happened to him. It's like how people want you to take the vaccine knowing its dangerous, so their fuckup isn't such a fuckup!

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>Are we being poisoned?
dude, do pushups, your manboobs will go away to make room for muscle. stop being fat.

Do you have one you'd recommend?

This, really. The few times I've seen people post their bodies in here, it was very obvious that they never saw a power rack from the inside.

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If you just exercised more of that tummy off you'd look hot

> This has been debunked!
> Thumbnail is some low test onions goy defending consooming industrial byproducts


very sad.

What a waste of a big fat cock

this picture message is what happens when you are a porn addict and think of everything in porn terms.

please get help user.