Redpill me on the thing we call "the moon"

Redpill me on the thing we call "the moon".

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I own it and you niggers need to pay me for looking it at. My accountant will tabulate your bill, as soon as he is done I expect payment.

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This is the international space station in front of the moon

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Sister plant
Causes earth to rotate on a barrycenter and drives our magnetic field and keeps the centripetal axis of earth stable
Home to evolved dinosaurs for which the earth's atmosphere Is now toxic.

There’s a grey terrestrial base on the dark side of the moon

Some people say we've been there. These people lie about almost everything though.

energy harvester

it's fake.
and also gay.

We live in the Matrix

The Moon is an illusion exile.

Nothing is real we all fuel for the great machine mind.

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I still go by the plasma definition. I think it's something to do with the hole in the center of Earth. What do you think? The black sun causes it to show up at night or something

heres a "picture" that proves alien spacebases visited earth

Attached: proofofspacestationin2001.jpg (1455x1091, 108.55K)

It's hollow
real talk

earthly protector you should pray to the moon every day

It doesn't exist, it's just a globohomo illusion created by Satanic reptilian homosexuals to trick us into believing that the earth is round.

Its not a solid object. Its plasma. Its 3000km in the air and has a diameter of around 30 km.

This is the realest video about the moon you will ever find on the internet.

Fake news, the moon is real and inhabited by the Greys, who have kicked us out of space because we cant get our shit together. The Quezocoatle aren't our allies either, fucking shapeshifting lizard sons of bitches.

god tier schizoid rambling

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It looks like a circle to me. It doesn't remind me of a spherical object. They could have made it spin around to seal the illusion or something.

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It's a harvest supermoon tomorrow.
It will be in Pisces.
On Saturday.
With Mercury Stationary to retrograde.
You need to understand what the Moon represents to be redpilled on it.
Yet you need to do your own Astrological work.

Attached: MoonReaper.jpg (474x700, 209.78K)

it's made of cheese, duh

>swiss, not mozzerella

The moon probably contains dinosaur bones that would have been blasted from earth after the asteroid impact.

There is nothing on the moon to degrade them, so there is probably actual intact dinosaur bones, not fossils.

Full interview

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>you need to do your own Astrological work
Um sweetie this is /spoonfeed/ - the board.

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Shit like this is why I believe in Simulation theory.

Who cares if the Earth is round flat square or hollow. Or if the moon is real plasma or made of cheese. It doesn't change a damn thing about life you live.

Why is there clear blue sky in the negative space of a partial moon? Why does Islam depict a star within that space?

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My just though of theory is God created everything in opposite pairs and the moon is earth's opposite. Dead desert, unchanging, no atmosphere, doesn't rotate; Reflects the earth's imagine as eternal, it also provides insight into season, tides, fertility, etc.

The moon is a small planet. Planets are very young stars.
Planets around stars used to be moons around planets.
Everything is growing, pulling mass from the ether.
Moon faces the Earth because it has a liquid center which gets pulled towards Earth's gravity and fixes the moon in position

Attached: GrowingEarth.gif (400x300, 2.23M)

Its a minor planetoid in orbit og Gaia.

that's why no ones been back since 1959

a pole

attracts energy so we may live

someone who cares put it there

can you stop making these threads please

The moon isn’t mentioned in the bible, fun fact

middle bit right
the other bits are disinfo

>They could have made it spin around to seal the illusion or something.
it does spin around christard, it oscilates, accross the 28 day phases it will slowly rotate to the right, then to the left again, it's not perfectly gravitationall locked because it's orbit is excentric

It's a light, it emits cold.

Ah but I own the sun, and those looking at your moon do so by stealing my light. I will be claiming 90% of your earnings from your moon-watchers. If you hav any questions, please direct them to my lawyer, Mr. Sunberg.

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