Conservatives suddenly complaining about cancel culture

>conservatives suddenly complaining about cancel culture
Lmao fuck off. I’ll never forget how you losers tried to cancel heavy metal back in the day.

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Cancelling heavy gaytal would’ve been a net plus for society.

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Piss off, Priest is based even with the faggy shit.

Imagine being a liberal in 2022

Good guy, ignore Joseph lieberman and blame Republicans who are hated by theor own voters on account of doing absolutely NOTHING in the past 50 years....

Wasnt us retard, things changed

I'm far from being a liberal, but good music is good music.

good effort on your slide thread though mister 1pbtid

>sings about breaking the law
>never broke it
Why bother?

This shit literally encouraged generation X to be a bunch of degenerates
It should have been banned

Every person I’ve ever met IRL that looks like the individuals in that pic has been absolutely insufferable. Doughy, often acne ridden as an adult, diet consists of soda candy and fast food almost exclusively. Lots of them are at that level of fat where they think makes them look “big” but everyone else just sees them as gross and fat. And most are usually coping trying to seem metal due to some insecurity likely rooted in childhood. Metal fans are insecure fat fucks that listen to metal bc it makes them feel tough and disciplined, the exact opposite of their waking lives.

It was leading democrat's wife who was doing it, you dense zoomer

Attached: 15jun99-photo-tipper-gore-wife-of-vice-president-al-gore-had-a-growth-removed-form-her-thyroid-that-was-benign-her-surgeon-said-december-30-there-for-determining-that-mrs-gore-does-not-have-tyroid-cancerthe-vice-president-shown-with-mrs-gore-on-a-trip-to-.jpg (988x1390, 172.6K)

Nah metal heads are Nazis and shit and have genres promoting nationalism

And now you have child castration as a social norm and faggots fisting each other in public. Shoulve listened

That was Tipper Gore and Joe Liberman who were doing that, retard.

He doesn't know Tipper Gore had a song written about her by a metal band.

are those "conservatives" in the room with us right now, grampa?

Yes and cancelling their bands probably would’ve given them more incentive to do something actually productive with their ideals and politics instead of letting their cultural relevance completely vanish as they fester underground with their shitty music nobody actually likes

>I'm doing what I used to hate others for doing

So you're saying you've betrayed your principles and become everything you hate?

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Tipper Gore was republican?

telling your kids not to listen to loud crummy music isnt "cancel culture".
Cancel culture would be something like protesting outside the stores that sold the items and not letting customers in. And demanding that Dolly Parton stop selling her albums at Sam Goody because black sabbath does too.

He did sing about never being straight though

I think the right has come around on cancel culture. It is quite useful.

That was Democrat hero George Bush Srs wife and Hillary clinton.

A pack of soft fat faggots, searching for a way to express masculinity. Instead of clearing land and siring children they are feeling dark and depressed. You can see that they are in need of real hardship, which would help them become men

How could you not remember nut job Tipper Gore going after everyone? Music was so tame then in comparison to today.

Metal was gay, the begin of trannism

Agreed. I listen to uplifting music to escape the ugliness of my reality. I have blood on my hands and I don't need to yearn for proof that I can be hard. I would rather forget what I can do. Maybe they should just accept they are candy asses and just have fun?

>remembering your metal phase

Washington wives led by Tipper Gore were democrats.

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Uh, Tipper Gore, Democrat Al Gore’s wife, was the leader behind the music cancellations. Might want to read the actual history of it, niggerkike.

Imagine calling a legend faggy because you feel safe online.
No one is perfect