'Doomsday' ice cube is going to end all life on Earth in 3 years or less

>Thwaites Glacier — otherwise known as the “Doomsday glacier,” due to the fact it could raise the sea level by several feet — is allegedly hanging on “by its fingernails.”
Still think voting matters?

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>ice cube is going to end all life on Earth in 3 years or less.

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FPBP /thread

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Icebergs don’t have fingernails dumbass

>ice cube is going to end all life on Earth in 3 years or less.
Completely based

>Graham stated that it “was truly a once-in-a-lifetime mission” and he hopes that the team will be able to return to the glacier soon

just as the modern Grand Solar Minimum begins, they will throw out every doomer story they can before people notice that winters are getting longer and colder

Nothing burger. Just trying to get normalfags scared.

Lmfao, I can't believe there are people out there retarded enough to actually believe this bullshit, and they fucking vote. If this was a legitimate prediction, NO BANKS OR LENDERS OR CORPORATIONS WOULD BE SELLING LEASES ON LAND, OR 30-40 MORTGAGES STILL. It's really actually unfortunate this isn't anywhere near the truth because we need a fucking cataclysm to wipe out all the retards who believe the alarmist, fear mongering climate change model. I'd be willing to go out with 'em.

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Winter cometh

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Buy a boat

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Death to kikes

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You don't see these billionaires selling their beach front property, do yo you RETARDS?

donate to my paypal for more doomsday prophecy.

You can only doom the earth once and he is excited for his chance to go back and step on the icebergs fingers

Full grown fucking scientists don't know how to do simple volumetric math

God damn I hate this country

Please be true! Can't wait to be hitting some of that mermaid puss

that's not how ice works.

So just glue it back on, simple

The end is near, so get in the pod, take the shot, and the bugs, if you want to be saved!

Fish don't have sex user

>Where will you be?
shitposting on here, same as yesterday.

>volume of oceans is 1.335 billion km cubed
>entire antarctic ice sheet is 26.5 million cubic km
>water expands when frozen, meaning if the entirety of antarctic ice melted it would be less than 26.5 million cubic km
>scientists claim increasing the volume of the world's oceans by 2% will raise sea levels by 33 meters

Scientists are lying.

Bring it on ’science’ fag, nothing ever happens.

If the sea level was supposed to raise, then why are all the leftists screeching about it buying up beachfront property, you stupid gorilla nigger?

> 3 years

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>Muh Seawater levels are going to rise
After we hang the fucking Green traitors and EU cuck we will build Dijken that are not measured in feet, but in yards. Fuck this Ice cube and fuck these doomsday faggots.

Dijks obviously only for the civilized parts, the rest of the world can fuck off.

Does a glacier displace more water when it's melted? How does the glacier gain more volume to increase the ocean levels?

How many tuweeks is that?

The truth is we are about to freeze our planet and water will start to recede. Water levels have been rising for 10,000 years since the ice age ended. That’s also why so much history in the world is lost and there are countless sunken cities around the globe.
Eventually to many animals make too much co2, then mega fauna happens, then mega fauna eat too much co2 for their own good and you have a runaway oxygenation event leading to ice age.

They are not the same, user.

I've lived in florida for 30 years and when I was a kid I was constantly being bombarded with people saying that everything I know and love will be underwater by the end of the year.
the water at the beach is in the exact same place it was in the 90s and you're all lying faggots and fearmongerers


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Just like last time! Two more weeks!

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Deltawerken 2.0 when?

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>same size as the state of Florida in the U.S

fucking fag that wont raise the global sea level even 1/200th of a an inch.

Icebergs are made of ice that floats in water.
Glaciers are ice 'rivers' that slowly move on land.
If enough ice on land melts and turns into water, the level of the oceans will rise.

depends if it attached to the land or not.

It has fingers!?

How much would the sea levels rise if you increased ocean volume by 2%?

The volume of that glacier alone will do shit to the sea level. That's like saying each new cargo ship does it's part in raising the sea level. It's ridiculous. All the ice in Antarctica melted then you might notice a change, which would also not be as dramatic as they want you to believe.

>fearmongering jewish science article #56893487
"greenhouse" gas them all

Now rather than later, fuck these Green fags. Every time they mention the water levels rising an inch, we'll build the Dijk a feet higher (we'll just add a meter in reality because I honestly dislike the imperial system and it's obviously not a good fit for Dijk construction).

>in the next few human lifetimes.
You know what this means?

>Put ice in cup of water
>ice melts
>cup does not overflow


Oh boy. Time for MOAR fearmongering huh?!!
Fuck off lol
At them not necessarily you, OP.

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