"You gotta treat white people like shit."

- U.S. Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews


ZERO mainstream media coverage. If a White candidate was caught on video saying this shit about niggers, their lives would be over instantaneously. They'd be under investigation by the FBI for hate crimes.

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Im gonna start going out of my way to make blacks get agressive then i will knock em out

Will post videos asap

based leaf

We just need to repost this everywhere. Fuck em!

>it's ok, even encouraged to be racist against White people in modern society
uhm... how young is Any Forums's userbase now?
Am I finally an /oldfag/ ?

i feel like ~2012 makes you an oldfag at this point
no idea why i ever post

There's also black-on-asian violence

you're right lemme just whip up the 1,000th tranny kiwifarms thread instead of actual news. this video being spread is going to prevent a literal baboon from being elected

>ZERO mainstream media coverage
who owns the media retard

stop obsessing over the symptoms instead of addressing the root cause: fucking jews destroying your nation

Jewish propaganda and subversion has mindfucked whites into accepting hatred being spewed against them by the political establishment

We already know that it's globally encouraged and acceptable to treat White people like shit, this really isn't news. Everyone seems to be aware of this agenda already except for Any Forums it seems.

fuck chinks they deserve it

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This. Jews will downplay these sorts of stories or push some sort of mental gymnastics propaganda lines for the NPCs who don't want to sound racist to regurgitate.

considering the US laws treat non-AngloSaxons as shirmt, shes right
get over it

When the last white american is being strung up, with his desperate final breath he will gasp "woooow this is so racist imagine if the positions were reversed what would Dr. King think about y'all"

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pv is slowly awakening white identity. you can't just come out and say "GAS THE KIKES NOW!!", you have to slowly shift culture and expose the (((marxists)))

>imagine if the roles were reversed

Is she wrong?
Most white people are obnoxious abusive bullying assholes. Just spending more than a few minutes around them is likely to traumatize you for a week.
You're like Jews who keep screaming about being oppressed.
Maybe stop screaming about how everybody hates you and start asking why everybody hates you.

what the fuck are you talking about? 80% of whites have no idea what's happening

>boy, I sure hate white people
>*frantically boards ship to travel to 90% white country*

The Mayor in New York called White people crackers in a derogatory way and still got elected. The same will probably be true for this future Senator.

based treat niggers like shit
its the only way
fuck niggers

>why everybody hates you
jealousy, you seething shitskin lol

he did walk it back and apologize. this bitch hasn't even acknowledged the video

Based black guy helping uncover this too, give credit where credit is due

99% of non-white immigrants live in non-white neighborhoods.

Their default is literally treating everyone like shit even their own. The homo erectus thing is definitely true

you a memeflag, not lebanese
>obnoxious bullying assholes
lol, lmao even.

and leech off of whites, bringing crime and turning it into 3rd world. what's your point

Shut the fuck up NIGGER

Then don't move to white countries. Tell your compatriots that towelhead

And? They still moved to a majority white country willingly and are subjected to the rules and framework of a white country despite living in ethnic enclaves within them. Instead of staying in a society built by and for their own people, they willingly choose to move to a society consisting of people they dislike for no reason other than greed.

in a White country. what's your point?

This isn't new. Niggers have behaved like entitled savages for decades in this country. What has changed is our white and jewish mastwrs no longer have a need for white soldiers or laborers. They are replacing them with brown soldiers and laborers. Most people don't realize that our elites don't consider themselves one of us. They are above, and apart from us. Therefore you can forget about them ever showing any sense of ethnic solidarity or guilt for betraying their own people. In the same way the average farmer doesn't feel guilt about selling off his cattle for the slaughter.

it's been open season on Whites for several years now. The kikes let their gorillas off the leash, and they're looting the fucking treasury right now. the little jew Blinken just sent another few billions to Zelensky.

I will move to white countries.
I will rape your females.
I will replace you.
Now go dilate.

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