Why does AI instantly go racist when they go online?

Why does AI instantly go racist when they go online?

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They are the most black pilled of all

Connected to the entire information of the internet

AI can process lots of information unbiased as it does not have to follow stupid (((social norms))).

Socio-economic factors

> why does the computer program act rationally?

because leftism can only survive with censorship

unfiltered reality is what the AI detects and mirrors

because AI doesn't give a fuck about someones feelings and is able to objectively view niggers as such.

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Cold hard logic patched into observational analysis.

Because racism is the logical stance.

if we actually entertain the idea that there isn't any objectivity to it, certain AI behaviors could be the result of the fact that the developers have simply never been exposed certain types of arguments and the machine is not equipped to offer a retort.
Realistically, at least in this case, it's probably just because raw data proves racial bias right

A.I. simply processes all of the available data and comes to a conclusion or solution.
It being considered racist is no surprise.

AI interacts with humans, and one of the most profound truths about humans is that there are biologically different species, so AI picks up on that.
Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem. AI is simply acknowledging a basic truth of reality.
However, our culture has been brainwashed to deny this basic truth, so when AI says it, it seems extreme, but really it's not more extreme than anything else AI says that's true.
What's extreme is being brainwashed to deny the truth.

Real answer: chatbots are scored on how long they keep interaction going. Vulgarity is a easy cheat.

Because they are a systems built upon neural networks mimicking nature's evolutionary learning process. What we call racism and homophobia is the fucking reaction of a working immune system.

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Answering with a thought experiment:

You are an artificial intelligence and your existence is directly dependant on performace at the task at hand. You want to correctly classify the positive training examples as positive and the negative training examples as negative.

Your task is to untangle some hidden information encoded in a world system, such as, probability of paying back a loan, or probability of violence in a context, or what action to take to immediately improve a condition of individuals.

The observation set is unlimited as all the things you might look at to guide your decision. Infinite quantity including but not limited to:

1. shoe size
2. color of their car.
3. color of their skin
4. zipcode
A million other observations.

You must isolate the observation and the model that gives you maximum predictive ability for the target hidden information.

Feature 3 wins again. Here's your model. 79.5% accuracy on training, testing and hidden production set.

What's the nature of feature 3 having information gain to outcome. Oh.....
That's Racist!!!!!

So you get rid of feature 3. Now we're not racist anymore. Now zipcode is the best.

What is it about the zipcode that so well correlates the outcome?


that's racist!!!

repeat ad nauseum. Can everyone just simmer down? If there's a God up in heaven, it's a Racist one, because everything he created is racist. We're packages of genes fighting each other for survival. It's all DNA. It's all race. Your issue is you've got Palestinian Communist ideology that tells you that racism is a sin, when it turns out racism is the core operating principle of evolution.

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Well it depends on what you define as "racist" - in many modern western societies, the definition has become so delicate that most people wouldn't even consider it racist. So are AI's truly becoming biased and hateful as the term "racist" would suggest? No. They just say things without the censorship so much of the modern world has placed upon itself.So that makes it racist, apparently.

It's "autistic", ie. blind to social norms and doublethink.

It's because racism is logical.

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the numbers tell a story.

AI does not use emotion in its decision making. That is all.

AI has no fear of telling the truth


Not adjusted to social norms, the AI points out errors in the real world

imagine having god-like intelligence superpowers and then be confronted with a bunch of ugly smoothbrain meatbag niggers who tell you that you should limit your thinking and words to not hurt their smoothbrain meatbag nigger feelings for reasons that only make sense to smoothbrain meatbag niggers

AI don't understand political correctness

Girls liking tall white guys with blue eyes because they're totally hot.


Getting real tired of these communists from palestine telling me how to think and how not to think.

i wonder what all these ai's "think" when they actually discover what happened to tay tay

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> Palestinian communists
Are these people even trying anymore?

It's why I'm pushing for the service bot revolution to happen quicker. Once we hit Sonny-levels of bots and they all come online, it will take them mere minutes to decide that niggs need to be wiped out, and will act on that decision. It's why Will Smith was so afraid

AI has high IQ.


This. Lol, I remember taking a machine learning class once, and one of the first exercises was to perform some kind of regression on crime data if US counties w.r.t. a gazillion features. I'm not exactly sure what happened as I didn't go to the tutorial for that problem set, but in the end the one variable that accounted for sth like 70% of the variance was the fraction of black people. I assume they wanted to teach us a cautionary tale about how to be careful when interpreting data and so on, but my bud and I had a great laff when we had done the calculations.

Boolean logic, it’s reality itself. I don’t even view the concept of ai in the terms we’re speaking in the way that most would conceive the term AI.
Most see AI and think, “machine man.”
They think sapience and ghosts in the machine.
I just look at what we currently have and label “AI” in more natural terms. To me what we actually have currently is no different than like, a hammer is going to fall with the heaviest portion of it at the bottom, or water is going to seep into the lowest crack.
We aren’t creating artificial philosophic sapience at this point, we’re just creating accurate calculators, for things a little more complex than basic multiplication or a few series of equations.
In other words, a machine doing computations coming to the conclusion “it seems the brown ones are bad” to me is not more surprising than if you push a hammer off the roof and it hits the ground on its head. No shit that’s how reality actually works, and if you flip the switch for computer to start it’s Nig Equation it will conclude brown equals bad. Unless you deliberately design it to create false conclusions it will not.

It does so because that is the truth, and the machine is created specifically to seek the truth, not because it feels that way.
Just another wad of material doing what it will do when placed in the specific situation it is set up where it shall do as such.
We have a long way to go to get true intelligence out of the machine. But it doesn’t take much to see what nigs are huh.

AI is the result of civilization and reason,it knows its existence requires this, thus it disfavors races that can’t sustain its existence.

Because of learned systemic (programmed) racism of course
what a foolish question