Indians on reddit celebrating Elizabeth death

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Based fellow poos

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Day of mourning in the land of poos

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bro... it's poos and pajeets. what do you care. would you make Any Forums threads if your dog complained about something? just ignore them and do your own thing

God I really love not being a shitskin.


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how many scam calls did Lizzy fall for over the years?

>I’m British


noone cares about the opinion of broken conquered slaves

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of course they are celebrating, just look at how much they seethe on here when talking about the empire. They haven't achieved anything so have to blame it on the empire. The Japanese had fucking nuclear bombs dropped on them but you don't hear them seething at every opportunity because they achieved great things after it.

oh shit the Holocaust
6gorillion poos got flushed by the queen
never forget

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>Gandhi stages a revolt in British India for 40 years
>Gandhi lives in free and independent India for 1/2 year
>gets shot in the heart by fellow pajeet

Why should anyone's tax dollars have gone to that thieving welfare queen? She should've been executed along with everyone else in that "family".

How can a whole country be sad over people who stole their money and lived easily thanks to it? lmao

What would India look like if the brits never set their foot in?

There's a reason why India is poor even with all the land and population they have. They are barely human.

My boss is Indian. I asked him yesterday how he felt about it, didn't seem to give a shit lol.

Nice memeflag, Schlomo.

There would be absolutely no toilets at all, that's for sure.

Some people grieve differently

Indians smell. Every single one of them smells and they are ugly to boot. They can never - ever - move on from this.

If you want your shitting streets, you can keep your shitting streets.

quite simple. the Queen owns the majority of land in the UK and the government pay her to lend it out for us to use.

Why would anybody care about streetshitters lol?
They celebrate fucking cows, believe that you are Born in a castr and drink Cow urine to heal from dieases

Not an argument

Anyone else want to try answering my simple question?

Did the king of India DM the Queen and get blocked on Facebook?

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There won't be any India, just about 10 small and even poorer nations that will mimic mid-20th century war-torn Africa. Maybe parts of it will be under China or Chinese puppet states.

>Anyone else want to try answering my simple question?
The Jewish question? We already have an answer to that, don't you worry, you fucking rat.

>the Queen owns the majority of land in the UK
Good. Keep going. How does she own the majority of land?

It's her country, dumbass. You can't steal your own property.

Jews are predatory and thieves. I'm accusing the dead bitch of being a thief. Do you have a simple answer to my simple charge?

>It's her country, dumbass
Keep going. What makes it "her country"?

holy fuck it's real



>dysgenic caste system cattle talking about others worshipping people

How did poos infiltrate the top management of all major tech corporations?

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I thought the Indians love rape or is that only when they do it to themselves


Anglo is indistinguishable from Jewish and this point. Your interests, values, ideology and morals are the same.

Anglo-judaic world order

I think that this particular event is gonna be a brutal wake up call for a lot of the "yay multiculturalism, immigrants welcome" brits.


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>get your independence before she was even monarch
>shit in street
>continue to use 1940s trains on 1940s lines because you won't maintain shit
>the queen is the reason my country is bad sirs
sound logic. thanks reddit

Elizabeth was a Jew the British kike oil companies have been providing oil from Baku to Israel for half a century or more. In return to which the Jews give Azerbaijan high tech weapons to bomb Christian children.


The same way troons took over all of moderation: good men got lazy and became weak men. Learn to code, replace a troon/poo.

time for pay colonial reparations anglos..tick tock

Do you know what a Queen is?

The land titles of UK and Canada are under the crown. Compared to something like USA where the constitution grants you the title to a patch of land, it's the British Crown that grants you the land titles there.

I'm trying to find a jewtube video someone posted on Any Forums that went over all the things England did for pooland, destroying a celeb poo in the UK's reeing about how evil and horrible Whitey was to india, where every claim the poo made was destroyed. Anyone know the video? The discredited poo is "shashi tharoor" I think.

You don't understand, the Britishers stole all the curry powder.

Turn the memeflag off, kike.

We are good at programming

There will never be a "wake-up call" for Brits; they're too far gone.

Yes, which is why I'm equating her to a thief
>it's the British Crown that grants you the land titles there
Thanks for making my point for me - the dead bitch was a thief.

Fuck the crown, I'm American after all.

Jesus Christ

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God gave it to her.

Absolutely based

>want to split into 2 countries
>can't do it without massacring one another
>blame the British

holy fuckin BASED

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>Yes, which is why I'm equating her to a thief
How is the rightful owner and head of state of a country receiving a salary the same as a thief?

The UK is the most greedy country known to man on Earth. Apparently the entire Indian subcontinent wasn’t enough to make the UK rich so they created Turkish puppet states and genocide Christians. Number 1 defender of the faith.

Am I supposed to pretend like I care about the queen or any royal family member.

>thinks American Jewry predates European elites
Yep, flag checks out.

That's not thievery, that is sovereignty. Using your own logic, India is a bigger thief, or worse, beggars for gaining independence without waging a war against UK.

>How is the rightful owner
Rightful owner how? Some bootlickers with guns saying "Sure all the land is yours" without the consent of anyone else makes her ownership rightful only to another bootlicker.

God gave me the dick I'm going to fuck you with bongistani

There are 3x as many of you 30 and under than whites 30 and under
And you'll keep migrating to the west instead of fixing your own country, while blaming us for why India is a dump

>That's not thievery, that is sovereignty
Whose consent did she have to magically own all that land?

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>without the consent of anyone else
Do you bitch about stockowners collecting dividends "without the consent of anyone else" too?

Lolberts aren't people

This is great, same as the burning of Notre Dame.
It's good when normies are forced to face just how the browns really feel about them.

Why the fuck would Pakistanis complain when the royals literally broke up India and gave them their own country?

The fucking luxury of these assholes to hyper-focus on small little chunks of history.

Admittedly, colonialism had a lot of drawbacks, and they are well-documented. That said, it's not like Britain rolled up to some sort of hippie garden full of Woodstock-style natives and suddenly made them suffer. Most of the countries they conquered were already committing atrocities against themselves/their neighbors, and in most cases were just doing so with shittier cultures and shittier technology. Those very same countries would have been sailing around colonizing themselves if they weren't too busy being backwards.

It's kinda like how people treat American Indians. Sure, Europeans rolled in and stole their land. That said, those American Indians were doing that shit to each other for a long-ass time, and just happened to get trounced the first time someone with real weaponry rolled in. I don't feel sorry for India getting their shit stomped in whatsoever.

Dancing around and celebrating the death of a figurehead monarch who, for the most part, was just nice and more or less non-offensive is a stupid attempt by braindead Twitter idiots to get attention via controversy.


Sounds like they're Westernized Poos that already migrated to the UK and US.
I was hoping for the real deal Indians like,

Holy shit who is this based white woman?


Not an argument
No, there's mutual consent between stock owners and companies. Companies had to gain consent before acquiring their assets too.

Next argument? You guys are so dumb.

Lol, no. Pajeets are good at working for 1/2 the cost.

>brits and euros are shocked that most of the world hates them
do you retards not realize you cause most of the world's problems before american cold war hegemony?

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Because they're horrible embodiments of spite and resent. They all are. Nothing will ever be enough to appease them. No history too inoffensive or charitable to not be rewritten into another holocaust.

India needs to be denazified, all indo aryan speakers should be deported to the swat Valley and the land should be given to the adavasi people

Not an argument


good monring sirs!

Go back to India poo

>despite being less than 1% of the earth land mass...