Intense Bullying Desire

This week I started with my new studies and there are such disgusting ugly neckbeards there that make me cringe so hard by their demeanor, looks and way of acting. They are literally the basedboys of the memes. I hate them so much.

I want to bully them into submission. These betas do not deserve any form of confidence. They should be stripped of all feelings of safety and always watch their back. I do not want to be bothered by their ugly faces and obnoxious laughter. I want them to suffer and hide and cower in the shadows. I want to bully these fucking losers so hard. Please help Any Forums, how do I best ruin the lives of these losers I look down upon and despise vehemently?

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Bullying weaklings means you are an insecure beta. A chad alpha would want to make these weakling nerds improve themselves and become men because he feels no insecurity.

bully yourself off a bridge, you fucking nigger.

Yes søy boys are insufferable faggots

They didn't choose their genetics, neither did you

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If you work out every day and you're still a weakling I'll give you a pass.


Why would you care what others do? You don't. You only care because you see what you hate about yourself. Just like those closet fags who bash fags but secretly love the cock. This is basic psychology 101

Speaks volumes doesn't it, the amount of faggot yelling on this board.

Did your penis wiggle a little? You've got the gay

I genuinely just like to see annoying people I do not like suffer. I am perhaps a horrible person, but I do not care to pretend I am not. I truly hate these cringe faggots as much as niggers. I want them all gone.

Actually niggers are unpleasant too. They smell and they are dumb most of the time. Their appearance is very offensive and I do not want them anywhere near me. Luckily, since they are dumb, I am not confronted with them in my uni, but I am confronted with these insufferable faggot betas.

Then they should be humanely put to death. If that is not feasible, how do I maximise their suffering?

I did that as well, but it didn't help

Can't fix my 5'6 manletism. It never began

caring about it shows your envy/loser mentality.

>Then they should be humanely put to death. If that is not feasible, how do I maximise their suffering?
Don't talk to them. just ignore them

As long as you work out daily you'll be exempt from the beatings. I can't make women fuck you though.

I cannot ignore them. I am forced to hear their dumb laughter and retarded jokes in lectures. I am forced to watch their disgusting faces and awkward demeanor when they do presentations. It is not enough for me to simply ignore them. I want them to feel unsafe and insecure at all times, so they keep quiet and do not bother me. I really hate these beta faggots and would actually enjoy seeing them suffer with their misplaced confidence and retarded smug faces.

ow the edge

somalian confirmed. kill yourself.


Neckbeards unite!!

Grow up

post hand

Maximize a giant black dick in your ass you greasy cunt. You're not a "horrible" person, you're just a mediocre one who would rather be seen as an asshole than a loser, but are in fact both.

so is this the sociopath general?

Why would anyone go to the trouble to be liked by the shit of this earth called people?

>wow I hate annoying people
>let me use Any Forums as my blog for my retarded gay feelings that no one cares about

He's not a sociopath, just a narcissist.

Give them a kind smile and say namaste as you run them over with your chariot. It is the Aryan way

>these people are just like niggers and deserve to be bullies
>I can't handle them socializing and cracking jokes
>while they have fun together I'm sitting by myself fantasizing about doing violence to them but they're the losers!
>Am I cool and edgy like the Any Forumsbros yet?
when we take power antisocial psychopaths such as yourself will be executed by the state. Use your time under this regime wisely.

alphas protect the weak, so the old and infirm
they DO NOT protect betas, they basically treat them as second class citizens, totally disposable.

Get jacked and wreck the class curve.
When they ask why tou did this say it's because you are better than them in every way, tell them that having nerd hobbies does not make them intelligent anymore than buying a gun makes an american tough.
The goal isn't to get them to cower. It's to motivate the ones with potential to rise up and challenge you. Once those few get a taste of victory and power they will abandon leftism entirely.

Get the fuck back too reddit you manlet neckbeards

We should bully sub 7 subhuman males

same difference

Your terrible grammar proves that you are a subhuman. consider suicide.