Why is Any Forums allowed to exist?

Why is Any Forums allowed to exist?

Does anyone ever ask themselves this question?

Why is Any Forums allowed to exist when DNS providers refuse to service websites way more lighter in tone when compared to Any Forums?

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too many useful idiots in here, kosher system needs them to continue functioning and give the illusion of free speech

didn't moot go to court over this or sth and win? pulling the free speech card or something (e.g. political activists and journalists need a safespace with anonymity guarantees)

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cause that one schlop schlop dog meme saved it

Better yet, who cares. The Havana Syndrome and sleep deprivation are worth the laughs. We are all but mere jesters.

they keep us here to do the feds job for them and also because if they shut Any Forums down we would be forced to go outside which is worst case scenario

Any Forums and its regular users get studied frequently by politicians and other leaders for their ability in memetic engineering

Containment site.

Because the transitory nature of the threads combined with the rule against doxxing and targeted harassment means no long-term campaigns against specific individuals that would galvanize a cause against us never really take off. Lacking that galvanizing cause, our detractors only have vague and varied complaints that relate to "hate" and "racism" that are currently unpopular but firmly fall under US law of free speech

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Censorship doesn't work, it just forces people to go underground irl.

You're obviously new here but trust me there was a whole story related to servers, servers going down, donation drives, stretching cats etc. 4cham now is a well oiled machine compared the the "it's dead again" past.

Why wouldn't it be allowed? The administration isn't so tryhard faggot as to get shut down by the feds, and instead it's a valuable source of finding out what people really think or trying to change the way they think in a way fundamentally different from social media. Like for instance:


Dood this place is full of idiots midwits retards and faggots
Maybe at one time for like a few months this place was what the media made it out to be but this place is a joke
>why allowed to exist
Because no one cares about it really. Sometimes feds watch the board but they do the same for any social media site.

Probably because unlike several other forums and platforms when someone posts doxxing content, illegal content, infringing content, or otherwise content specifically designed to target a non-relevant person they take it down.

When someone commits a crime such as a credible threat of violence, content is removed, and authorities are worked with. They don't just pretend to accidentally not record IP addresses or somehow have all data removed of an account when it gets banned.

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>he doesnt know Any Forums is an egregore kept alive by the oldest and most uncontrollable AI

People are not in power, and they havn't been in many years

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>Why is Any Forums allowed to exist?
because posts disappear quickly.

Based and true

Without a doubt, feds are watching Any Forums. It’s only allowed to exist because of Any Forums, Any Forums, etc.
Which is ironic, when you think about it.

It is too useful of a tool for intel agencies to be shut down. Like the banks, too big to fail.

Pressure release.

The containment is here, even though the common user thinks twitter is the containment. Most of you fags are dangerous or even worse stupid, so the well established hone.... i mean free speech basket weaving forum will contain the retardation. The irl memes are the fault of the glow for letting the internet exist just so they can fill their pockets. Humans should have never had communication power to this degree due to the fact that most suffer from retardation

>Why is Any Forums allowed to exist?
Because Any Forums is the best opportunity to brainwash a lot of people and influence on them and their life. This is the big and great brainwashing machine like reddit.

>the Mac mini cluster